How many of you have stomach problems from drinking whey protein??
Even if it's only mild I'm willing to bet quite a few of you have some issues.
If you do, it's highly likely that the culprit is a lack of healthy stomach flora. You don't normally get healthy stomach flora just by eating a variety of clean and healthy foods. You generally have to go out of your way to obtain it. Via yogurt, or a probiotic solution.
All of my stomach problems from 300+ grams of protein a day completely disappeared after I finally hopped on a probiotic. I've taken them now for years on end and have zero stomach issues from mass amounts of protein.
If you would like to give this a try at a reasonable price you need look no further than NTBM's own web site. 1 cap per day is all it takes for me, though some use two a day. I haven't felt it necessary yet. It is however, important to pay attention too the "keep refrigerated" suggestion on the bottle. Since it is live bacteria, it can and WILL die if not kept cool, thus rendering it useless.
You can read more about the product here and purchase if you would like:
Advanced Probiotic will help with proper gastrointestinal tract (GI Tract) function.
Don't forget about the 15 percent off code: needto139
Even if it's only mild I'm willing to bet quite a few of you have some issues.
If you do, it's highly likely that the culprit is a lack of healthy stomach flora. You don't normally get healthy stomach flora just by eating a variety of clean and healthy foods. You generally have to go out of your way to obtain it. Via yogurt, or a probiotic solution.
All of my stomach problems from 300+ grams of protein a day completely disappeared after I finally hopped on a probiotic. I've taken them now for years on end and have zero stomach issues from mass amounts of protein.
If you would like to give this a try at a reasonable price you need look no further than NTBM's own web site. 1 cap per day is all it takes for me, though some use two a day. I haven't felt it necessary yet. It is however, important to pay attention too the "keep refrigerated" suggestion on the bottle. Since it is live bacteria, it can and WILL die if not kept cool, thus rendering it useless.
You can read more about the product here and purchase if you would like:
Advanced Probiotic will help with proper gastrointestinal tract (GI Tract) function.
Don't forget about the 15 percent off code: needto139