Good day everyone! Ive been a lurker here for quite some time and I have been doing research into anabolic usage. I will try to be as complete and smart about AAS use as possible before diving in. Currently I am cutting but Im gathering information and planning for my first cycle, which I plan to take after 4-5 months right when Im done with my cut.
Im listing all the things that I need to do here prior to blasting so I have a written account and so that others may chime in and offer suggestions.
Not starting until everything is ready. i understand that the cycle will be later next year but If it was ok with you guys I was going to log the entire preparation so I am held accountable for my actions. I will do whatever it takes to make things right and hopefully encourage other people to do the same.
Personal information
5'2" (manlet for sure)
166lbs (25%BF) on a hard cut. Currently 1800kcal, TDEE 2300kcal based on lean mass
Goal 140lbs at 10-12% bf
FFMI 21.6 adjusted
I am not a novice on dieting and lifting, I am comfortable tracking macros and calories. I weigh all my food to the gram, can switch between IIFYM and selective whole food diets (bro diets). I can also fast intermittently/eat 4-5 meals per day no problem.
Training history:
2years straight plus 2years when I was in my 20s but stopped because of post grad. I know this may be premature timing but as you can see I am not young and I already have a complete family (with a lovely wife, daughter and a son who will be born next April)
Current training:
Upper body/lower body split, with the big 6 as first exercises (bench,squat,deadlift,pendlay row, press and pull ups) alternating between low and high rep ranges, plus accessory and isolation work.
~4-5 times per week.
Precycle checklist (ETA March 2016)
Total test
Free test
E2 (sensitive assay)
Liver function test
Cbc with hematocrit
Blood donation x 1
Gear checklist
Testosterone enanthate (Testoviron/Bayer-Schering) 250mg vials x24 for a 12week period
Aromasin (Exemestane/Pfizer) 12.5mg x60
HCG (Pregnyl)
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) 20mg tab x 56
Clomiphene (Clomid) 50mg tab x 28
PCT drugs are all pharmaceutical grade as they are the most important drugs of the cycle
Test E 500mg/wk divided into 2 doses at Weeks 1-12
Aromasin 12.5mg every 3days Weeks 1-14 (titratable doses)
HCG 500ui/wk divided into 2 doses at Weeks 1-14
Clomid 50mg every day from Weeks 15-18
Nolvadex 40mg (20mg bid) from Weeks 15-18
Total T, E2 at week 6
Total T, E2, liver function test, CBC at week 19 (post cycle)
Calorie intake: since I will be at the tail end of my cut, reverse diet 1800kcal +200 every week until natural maintenance TDEE (which I estimate to be around 2400kcal) before blasting, then increasing by 200 every week until 3000kcal and adjust based on amount of weight/BF gained.
Macros once at maintenance (not final)
1.5g/lb w protein
1.5-2g/lb carbs
Rest fats
Thank you for bearing with me, I this post is not appropriate please feel free to delete it.
Im listing all the things that I need to do here prior to blasting so I have a written account and so that others may chime in and offer suggestions.
Not starting until everything is ready. i understand that the cycle will be later next year but If it was ok with you guys I was going to log the entire preparation so I am held accountable for my actions. I will do whatever it takes to make things right and hopefully encourage other people to do the same.
Personal information
5'2" (manlet for sure)
166lbs (25%BF) on a hard cut. Currently 1800kcal, TDEE 2300kcal based on lean mass
Goal 140lbs at 10-12% bf
FFMI 21.6 adjusted
I am not a novice on dieting and lifting, I am comfortable tracking macros and calories. I weigh all my food to the gram, can switch between IIFYM and selective whole food diets (bro diets). I can also fast intermittently/eat 4-5 meals per day no problem.
Training history:
2years straight plus 2years when I was in my 20s but stopped because of post grad. I know this may be premature timing but as you can see I am not young and I already have a complete family (with a lovely wife, daughter and a son who will be born next April)
Current training:
Upper body/lower body split, with the big 6 as first exercises (bench,squat,deadlift,pendlay row, press and pull ups) alternating between low and high rep ranges, plus accessory and isolation work.
~4-5 times per week.
Precycle checklist (ETA March 2016)
Total test
Free test
E2 (sensitive assay)
Liver function test
Cbc with hematocrit
Blood donation x 1
Gear checklist
Testosterone enanthate (Testoviron/Bayer-Schering) 250mg vials x24 for a 12week period
Aromasin (Exemestane/Pfizer) 12.5mg x60
HCG (Pregnyl)
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) 20mg tab x 56
Clomiphene (Clomid) 50mg tab x 28
PCT drugs are all pharmaceutical grade as they are the most important drugs of the cycle
Test E 500mg/wk divided into 2 doses at Weeks 1-12
Aromasin 12.5mg every 3days Weeks 1-14 (titratable doses)
HCG 500ui/wk divided into 2 doses at Weeks 1-14
Clomid 50mg every day from Weeks 15-18
Nolvadex 40mg (20mg bid) from Weeks 15-18
Total T, E2 at week 6
Total T, E2, liver function test, CBC at week 19 (post cycle)
Calorie intake: since I will be at the tail end of my cut, reverse diet 1800kcal +200 every week until natural maintenance TDEE (which I estimate to be around 2400kcal) before blasting, then increasing by 200 every week until 3000kcal and adjust based on amount of weight/BF gained.
Macros once at maintenance (not final)
1.5g/lb w protein
1.5-2g/lb carbs
Rest fats
Thank you for bearing with me, I this post is not appropriate please feel free to delete it.