The Dr. Is back..... Again!!


New member
Hello guys!! It's been yrs since I've been here and one heck of a ride but hopefully I'll be able to stick around this time.Since I was last here I've been diagnosed with severe Oste-Arthritis and had to have my right hip replaced.By the time I was diagnosed my hip was completely gone and I was bone on bone.I spent 9 months not even being g able to stay d without a cane before my surgery then 3 months learning to walk again.After that I've spent the last yr trying to get back in good health.I've had to change alot in how I live and workout.Only being 51 yes old it was quite an adjustment.I'm still kicking and hopefully have a few good yrs left in me.Its great to be back and I hope to be around here more and contribute!!
A giant welcome indeed! stick around and get to know the fellas, lots of very highly informed members here.
Hello guys!! It's been yrs since I've been here and one heck of a ride but hopefully I'll be able to stick around this time.Since I was last here I've been diagnosed with severe Oste-Arthritis and had to have my right hip replaced.By the time I was diagnosed my hip was completely gone and I was bone on bone.I spent 9 months not even being g able to stay d without a cane before my surgery then 3 months learning to walk again.After that I've spent the last yr trying to get back in good health.I've had to change alot in how I live and workout.Only being 51 yes old it was quite an adjustment.I'm still kicking and hopefully have a few good yrs left in me.Its great to be back and I hope to be around here more and contribute!!

Hope you stick around this time.

Just turned 66, I've had Osteoarthritis since around 50.
Had a Double Hip Replacement in 2016 and 2017 ~ Left in March of 2016 and Right in Jan. of 2017.
Went through 4 Months of Intensive Physical Therapy after each replacement.
Back Better now than the last 15 years.

How's your other Hip doing ?
Usually when one Hip goes, the other isn't Far Behind................................ JP
Right now I'm running
Test Eth- 750 mg a WK
EQ-600 WK
Deca- 600 wk
A-bombs/Dbol- 50/50 mg a day
MK 677- 30 mg a day
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I guess like most my best cycle was my first of only
Test Cyp- 400 wk
Deca- 400 WK
D-bol- 25 mg a day
That was alooooong time a go.The D-bol- was the little blue wonder from Dan Duchaines lab in Mexico!! The first gym I was at was partly owned by a guy most of you have heard of.He won the Mr.O more than anyone!! Lee Haney!! He wasn't really from ATL that came only after he won his first Mr.O!! He is really from the next state up and graduated from one of the smallest HS in our state!! Him and 2 other guys were owners of a small gym actually called "The Olympian" lol I kid you not!! That was while he was training for his first pro shows no and the steroid laws hadn't changed yet.If you had a business Lisc saying you were a Pharm company you could order it by the truck load!! When the law changed and the feds came in a really good friend of mines dad who was one of the owners took the fall for all of them.One because Lee had just became known in the sport and two because the other owners dad was the city's police chief!! He did almost 7 yes fed time while everybody knows where Haney went!! That was also when I stopped believing Joi Wieders crap!! Haney was placed on every magazine giving Wieder the credit for his s success when in fact it was my friends dad's gear that got him their!! They would sell it and do it right there in the office of the gym!!! His diest consisted of
Test,Deca,Parabolen,D-bol- and Winnie!!! It was amazing watching him work-out.He was and still is one of the most humble men you will ever meet.He is living here again and does alot of speaking at churches in the area.
That’s a cool back story about Haney. Met him in ATL years ago at a show. He was humble and handled himself with class. Cool guy.
Yes he is.And if I'm correct he really is the last Mr.O to win without taking huge doses and HGH!! He truly had and still has great genetics and a phenomenal work ethic!! It was a different ballgame back then all the way around.My friends whose dad was Haney's partner was in great shape himself and also an example of why someone 18 should not use gear.By the age of 18 his muscle had outgrown his bones.His bones couldn't hold his body weight anymore.He had to quit not only gear but body building completely!! Which was a Shane he had an amazing body and unreal symmetry!! He really was a man-child!! He looked like he could walk on any stage and win!! After the laws changed his dad took a huge hit from the feds.They also started a suppliments line called "Jungle Gym" vitamins and supps.They put gear in them!! Lol Had one item called "Jungoe Berries" I'm dead serious!! A buddy of mine took them and blew up!!!! Lmao for yrs after that it was a running joke between us who knew them!!
I guess like most my best cycle was my first of only
Test Cyp- 400 wk
Deca- 400 WK
D-bol- 25 mg a day
That was alooooong time a go.The D-bol- was the little blue wonder from Dan Duchaines lab in Mexico!! The first gym I was at was partly owned by a guy most of you have heard of.He won the Mr.O more than anyone!! Lee Haney!! He wasn't really from ATL that came only after he won his first Mr.O!! He is really from the next state up and graduated from one of the smallest HS in our state!! Him and 2 other guys were owners of a small gym actually called "The Olympian" lol I kid you not!! That was while he was training for his first pro shows no and the steroid laws hadn't changed yet.If you had a business Lisc saying you were a Pharm company you could order it by the truck load!! When the law changed and the feds came in a really good friend of mines dad who was one of the owners took the fall for all of them.One because Lee had just became known in the sport and two because the other owners dad was the city's police chief!! He did almost 7 yes fed time while everybody knows where Haney went!! That was also when I stopped believing Joi Wieders crap!! Haney was placed on every magazine giving Wieder the credit for his s success when in fact it was my friends dad's gear that got him their!! They would sell it and do it right there in the office of the gym!!! His diest consisted of
Test,Deca,Parabolen,D-bol- and Winnie!!! It was amazing watching him work-out.He was and still is one of the most humble men you will ever meet.He is living here again and does alot of speaking at churches in the area.

Did they not anticipate the law change? They should've gotten rid of all the gear before they got raided.
Welcome back, Why are you pinning so much sauce?

If that's you in your avi I would assume your bulking up since you already look ripped and toned up.
Hello guys!! It's been yrs since I've been here and one heck of a ride but hopefully I'll be able to stick around this time.Since I was last here I've been diagnosed with severe Oste-Arthritis and had to have my right hip replaced.By the time I was diagnosed my hip was completely gone and I was bone on bone.I spent 9 months not even being g able to stay d without a cane before my surgery then 3 months learning to walk again.After that I've spent the last yr trying to get back in good health.I've had to change alot in how I live and workout.Only being 51 yes old it was quite an adjustment.I'm still kicking and hopefully have a few good yrs left in me.Its great to be back and I hope to be around here more and contribute!!

hey Doc, hows the hip doing?