the easiest way to measure out 10gram test cyp powder?


New member
So I have my test cyp powder and what i though was all my supplies... but of course I overlooked some things... how do i measure out 10gram of test cyp powder? is there a scooper or do I have to buy a scale? whats are my options?
you need a good digital scale. My powders come in 10g or 5g increments so it's not really an issue in that case
ya mine came all together 100grams. its a dry powder? isnt test enth powder slighly wet? this is test cyp and it appears to be totally dry?
gotta get a scale. Cyp is dry, enan is pretty much liquid at room temp.
great thanks guys I appreciate your help. im off to get a scale and brew up my first batch! ill let you all know how it went. any tips or hits would be cool too if you have any :)
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