The hockey trivia thread!

My favorite player of all-time himself, Tom Barrasso!!

Who did Ron Hextall go after in the 1988-1989 playoffs, earning himself a 12 game suspension?

GREAT thread by the way!
and yes the most 50 goals seasons is Gretsky and MIke BOssie, and Bossy has the record for straight 50 goals seasons with 8 I think. If this guy would have played as long as Gretsky he would have had about the same statistics cause he only playes 10 seasons and gretsky 19-20. and in his 10 seasons he always had more than 50 goals execpt for 1 season where I had 38-39 I think.
As Far Lindros, the first overall pick by the Quebec NOrdiques in 1991. Can you believe how Quebec have been lucky , when Baby Lindros decided that he didnt want to play in Quebec, when the NOrdiques traded him to the Flyers. They got

1)Peter Forsberg
2)Steve Duchesne
3)Kerry Huffman
4)Mike Ricci
5)Chris Simon
6)Ron Hextall
7)Jocelyn Thibault
8)the first draft choice in 1994

And many millions....!!!

And the 2 years before they drafted Sakic and Sundin lol!

Thats how they became the Colorado Avalanches and won the cup!
sorry bro I went upstair... bro I have no idea, I dont really know stats for goaliies...however I'M pretty good when it comes to forwards.
look you asked , most assists by a goalie . I said I dont know, thats it. Ask an other question .... sorry its not an answer, ill give you answer only next time.
Sorry guys i should have been more clear, i meant in a season, barrasso did get the career record. I was wrong with the answer i was going with anyways, i thought mike palmateer but it was grant fuhr with 14. and i was kidding about the no coment deal, i was jus to tired to think of another question. someone else can take a turn.
Who is the only player to score 5 goals in all 5 possible manners in one game (even strength, power play, shorthanded, penalty and open night)?

And by the way, this was absolutely insane.