The hotdog diet.


Father Poopÿ
Is anyone here on keto year-round?

If so, have you been able to add muscle?

I keep hearing "slow / not possible" I am hoping to find someone who says it can be done... If for nothing more than personal reassurance.

I am keto now, and I am thinking of staying that way for the indefinite future. My mood seems MUCH more stable, and my sleep more sound when I steer clear of carbohydrate.
i use keto for cutting and it works great...

for me i can't cut and build muscle at the same time ...i can however hold onto muscle that i have when cutting using keto diet

insulin play a big role in putting on muscle...
i agree but if you are just lookin for someone to agree with you then keep lookin and you will find them.... they might not know what they are talkin about but you can always find someone to agree with you....
juniorshrade23 said:
i agree but if you are just lookin for someone to agree with you then keep lookin and you will find them.... they might not know what they are talkin about but you can always find someone to agree with you....
lol, this is so true.
I am a huge advocate of keto diets. But I won't use one for bulking. HOWEVER, it IS possible to build muscle with a keto diet. You will be at it for a very long time and your most anabolic hormone (insulin) doesnt get it's full use, as well as you muscle facia is never going to be fully stretched due to missing glycogen. But a keto diet is naturally protein sparing therefore it is very easy to hit your requirements daily. It still comes down to your total injested calories regardless of what type of diet anyone follows.... if you follow a keto diet and increase calories let's say 5 calories per pound of weight OVER maintenance then yes you will still be building muscle... but it will never be anything as what you would hope for, and simply put it is impossible to pack on serious size without glycogen and sufficient insulin. I'd take my best guess being you could put on possibly 5 pounds of lean mass in maybe 5-6 months for the average person on the diet. I myself have built muscle following a CKD, but now that I am in bulking I switch to my carbs again. The best PW shakes in the world with dextrose will never compensate enough to fully restore your glycogen and maximize your growth. But again, it still IS possible to build muscle on keto.