The Magical Bulking Cycle


New member
Has anyone done the Dbol, Test E, Deca cycle? If so what were your protocols? (Arimadex) (caber or prank?) Would you recommend adding in some EQ? Or if there was a better bulking cycle out there what is, from experience?
Of course it will, I mean you could bulk on any AAS cycle basically, just depends on your diet.

Don't mind him, that's all the kind of advice he gives.

We need more info on you. Stats and cycles. That cycle will surely put some bloat and size on you.

There's no "best" cycle. It's whatever you can use, you can afford, what gives you the fewest sides.
Test DECA and dbol is basically the definition of a bulking cycle can't get much better than that .
and to be honest with the test dbol and DECA working there magic throwing eq in would be a whaste I doubt you would even notice it you would be much better of throwing in some HGH or ghrp peptides or mk 677 get that GH going