Hello All. I am new to the forum and to taking TRT. I have read and read and read on here before I went to my doctor after receiving the call I was going to be placed on TRT. Let me give you some of the back story.
I am 31y/o, 5 ft 8in, weigh 249 lbs. I went to the doctor at the beginning of December because I was always fatigued, snappy with my wife and kids and lost sex drive. With all my different symptoms and length of time that had been occurring he set me up for a sleep study and sent me to go get blood work. My results from the first tests are below.
12/12/2017 7:45AM AGE 31
Testosterone Total - 241.0 ng/dL (LOW)
Testosterone Free - 48.9 pg/mL (LOW)
TSH – 2.48 mcIU/mL
BICARBONATE - 23.8 mmol/L SODIUM - 137 mEq/l POTASSIUM - 4.8 mEq/l
CHLORIDE - 103 mEq/l GLUCOSE - 90 mg/dl BUN - 11.7 mg/dl
CREATININE - 0.9 mg/dl CALCIUM - 10.2 mg/dl GFR NON-AA - 98 mL/min
GFR AA - 110 mL/min eGFR-NonAA - >60 eGFR-AA - >60
WBC - 10.6 x10^3 RBC - 5.2 x10^6 HGB - 16.0 g/dl
HCT - 45.6 % MCV - 88.0 fl MCH - 30.9 pg
MCHC - 35.1 g/dl RDW - 13 % PLATELET CNT - 352 x10^3
MPV - 10.4 fl # NEUT - 5.9 high SEGS - 56 %
LYMPHS - 34 % MONOS - 6 % EOSIN - 3 %
BASO - 1 %
After receiving the results my doctor sent me back to get my Testosterone rechecked because of it being low. The results below are from the second run.
12/19/2017 9:32 AM AGE 31
Testosterone Total - 173 ng/dL (LOW)
Testosterone Free – 37.8 pg/mL (LOW)
Once the results came back even lower for Testosterone I was sent to get more blood work. The results below are from the third set.
12/28/2017 5:14 PM AGE 31
Prolactin - 18.6 ng/mL (HIGH)
Cortisol - 11.3 mcg/dL FSH - 2.1 mIU/mL UIBC - 254 mcg/dL
% Sat - 37 % TIBC - 403 mcg/dL Serum Iron - 149 mcg/dL
LH - 3.8 mIU/mL
On Jan 2nd, I went in for my sleep study to get checked for sleep apnea. After leaving the hospital I received a call from the nurse at my doctor’s office that I needed to get an MRI scheduled because my Prolactin came back high and there is a possibility of a benign brain tumor on my Pituitary Gland (Prolactinoma). At this point I’m freaking the hell out.
I Jan 16th I received a call from the sleep lab stating I had mild sleep apnea and needed to conduct a cpap titration so I can be placed on cpap. A week later I had my MRI done and received the news the next day that I do NOT have a Prolactinoma and needed to come in the next day to get set up for TRT.
I spent all night at work researching through this forum and was prepared with knowledge of what to ask for and about in at the appointment. He gave the run down about the side effects and said he normally doses 200mg every 14 days. I asked about 100mg every week and he agreed that would help the crash effect some of his other patients had complaints about. (I plan on the 3.5 day plan) I then asked him about E2 and he didn’t have a clue and said its not part of his normal workup for Low T. I explained that my Google Doctorate (mind you I have a GED) in research showed that when the body is pumped with Testosterone the body tries to match the “normal” level of estrogen. He had a holy shit moment and said that could be the reason some patients complain of “manboobs” and sore/sensitive nipples. He agreed he would order it for me when I do my 3 month follow-up and he would look more into to better assist all of his patients on TRT.
The end this long post I just want to say Thank You to everyone that has posted any and all knowledge!!! It was extremely helpful and I continue to read things that I never really thought would be happening to me at 31.
I am 31y/o, 5 ft 8in, weigh 249 lbs. I went to the doctor at the beginning of December because I was always fatigued, snappy with my wife and kids and lost sex drive. With all my different symptoms and length of time that had been occurring he set me up for a sleep study and sent me to go get blood work. My results from the first tests are below.
12/12/2017 7:45AM AGE 31
Testosterone Total - 241.0 ng/dL (LOW)
Testosterone Free - 48.9 pg/mL (LOW)
TSH – 2.48 mcIU/mL
BICARBONATE - 23.8 mmol/L SODIUM - 137 mEq/l POTASSIUM - 4.8 mEq/l
CHLORIDE - 103 mEq/l GLUCOSE - 90 mg/dl BUN - 11.7 mg/dl
CREATININE - 0.9 mg/dl CALCIUM - 10.2 mg/dl GFR NON-AA - 98 mL/min
GFR AA - 110 mL/min eGFR-NonAA - >60 eGFR-AA - >60
WBC - 10.6 x10^3 RBC - 5.2 x10^6 HGB - 16.0 g/dl
HCT - 45.6 % MCV - 88.0 fl MCH - 30.9 pg
MCHC - 35.1 g/dl RDW - 13 % PLATELET CNT - 352 x10^3
MPV - 10.4 fl # NEUT - 5.9 high SEGS - 56 %
LYMPHS - 34 % MONOS - 6 % EOSIN - 3 %
BASO - 1 %
After receiving the results my doctor sent me back to get my Testosterone rechecked because of it being low. The results below are from the second run.
12/19/2017 9:32 AM AGE 31
Testosterone Total - 173 ng/dL (LOW)
Testosterone Free – 37.8 pg/mL (LOW)
Once the results came back even lower for Testosterone I was sent to get more blood work. The results below are from the third set.
12/28/2017 5:14 PM AGE 31
Prolactin - 18.6 ng/mL (HIGH)
Cortisol - 11.3 mcg/dL FSH - 2.1 mIU/mL UIBC - 254 mcg/dL
% Sat - 37 % TIBC - 403 mcg/dL Serum Iron - 149 mcg/dL
LH - 3.8 mIU/mL
On Jan 2nd, I went in for my sleep study to get checked for sleep apnea. After leaving the hospital I received a call from the nurse at my doctor’s office that I needed to get an MRI scheduled because my Prolactin came back high and there is a possibility of a benign brain tumor on my Pituitary Gland (Prolactinoma). At this point I’m freaking the hell out.
I Jan 16th I received a call from the sleep lab stating I had mild sleep apnea and needed to conduct a cpap titration so I can be placed on cpap. A week later I had my MRI done and received the news the next day that I do NOT have a Prolactinoma and needed to come in the next day to get set up for TRT.
I spent all night at work researching through this forum and was prepared with knowledge of what to ask for and about in at the appointment. He gave the run down about the side effects and said he normally doses 200mg every 14 days. I asked about 100mg every week and he agreed that would help the crash effect some of his other patients had complaints about. (I plan on the 3.5 day plan) I then asked him about E2 and he didn’t have a clue and said its not part of his normal workup for Low T. I explained that my Google Doctorate (mind you I have a GED) in research showed that when the body is pumped with Testosterone the body tries to match the “normal” level of estrogen. He had a holy shit moment and said that could be the reason some patients complain of “manboobs” and sore/sensitive nipples. He agreed he would order it for me when I do my 3 month follow-up and he would look more into to better assist all of his patients on TRT.
The end this long post I just want to say Thank You to everyone that has posted any and all knowledge!!! It was extremely helpful and I continue to read things that I never really thought would be happening to me at 31.