also if power lifting is all about "beeing wierd and hurting yuorself for fun", i don't think i can add very mutch to the statement.
the kind of people attracted by that sorta thing should be self explenatory
Serious question aboit true love feminine Italian boys are not expected to appreciate anything manly you dont even lile bodybuilders you like models because you are so feminine you are attracted to half naked bodys wearing a pair of armani tighty whities.
Serious question aboit true love feminine Italian boys are not expected to appreciate anything manly you dont even lile bodybuilders you like models because you are so feminine you are attracted to half naked bodys wearing a pair of armani tighty whities.
Serious question aboit true love feminine Italian boys are not expected to appreciate anything manly you dont even lile bodybuilders you like models because you are so feminine you are attracted to half naked bodys wearing a pair of armani tighty whities.
Serious question aboit true love feminine Italian boys are not expected to appreciate anything manly you dont even lile bodybuilders you like models because you are so feminine you are attracted to half naked bodys wearing a pair of armani tighty whities.
yeah that's why you keept begging me for pics ( and everyone else on this forum too ) for the entire week, right?
i bet you are so obsessed by gays becouse you actually are one and try to act so "manly" and shit becouse you are ashamed as fuck.
Did you post then?
Ya nose vessels and other shit can burst when you lift max effort.... Its not frowned upon by us lol
Don't forget about the old keisternothing like shitting blood after a heavy squat day.
One only needs to Google "powerlift prolapse" to be scared for life. Unless you're into that sort of thing.
9er- any of your buddies ever blow out their O-ring?
Yup , hemorrhoid age 19 and in the squat rack with a guy who was such a bad spot that when I needed him he had literally walked away to help a chick take a 45 off the bar !
He didnt get her number and I never let him spot again!