The old debate is back BODYBUILDERS vrs.POWERLIFTERS-


What kind of differences in training do these two groups do? Which is more respected and why? Which are you?
Woa this should get interesting... I'm seeing an all out battle between 9er and roush lol. You forgot your favorite sport crossfit milton :laugh:
I personally like to think there is a space in between bodybuilding and powerlifting, I think they are both great and to combine the both is like when all the power Ranger combine to make that crazy badass dinosaur and fuck shit up
my thought . well I'm a fan of Stan Efferding and Dr. Mike Israetel . they have both competed in both bodybuilding and powerlifting . and they understand proper programming and diet for both . and YES I believe 'merging' them or having training blocks associated with both is very useful (for overall strength and hypertrophy) .

applying powerlifting type programming , to bodybuilding is extremely beneficial to a bodybuilder imo. doing the old fashioned bro splits or instinctive training is fine for some ,, but add in a proper 12 week meso cycle with specific training protocols , and the bodybuilder will benefit.

so bodybuilders need to take a few pointers from the powerlifitng world . and powerlifters need to take a few pointers from bodybuilding and learn how to do accessory work and develop hypertrophy.
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I think it's cool to lift a heavy amount of weight, but it's too much when it becomes stuff that only a gorilla should be messing with..

BB takes much more effort and it's more of a lifestyle to attain the look. Power lifting is just a hobby with a small progressive program in place.

Crossfit on the other hand is basically to me, cardio with weights...Just times change and not everyone wants to sit on a treadmill for hours, but more act like they are doing something lol.
I believe age is also a big factor. You can pretty much BB all your life but I think powerlifting has a shelf life. I still like to play around with the heavy weights now and then but I only program in certain movements at certain times otherwise my joints kill me. Definitely believe eveyone starting out though should focus on the big powerlifting moves because of the strong base it builds.
I think that both take a certain type of dedication. To be successful at either, you have to work hard at it. If you compare the best bodybuilder and the best power lifter and broke down the difference in the two, you would find 2 things that were different. Type of training/lifting and diet. Both are awesome and honestly, I don't know of any successful bodybuilder that doesn't or hasn't done powerlifting workouts to some degree because of the mass building that it yields.

As for me, I have always considered myself a weight lifter. What is a weightlifter? I'll tell ya.

I go to the gym and I lift shit. Sometimes, I do powerlifting style workout with movements like boxquats, deadlifts, powerclings and other exercises for reps of 5 or less. When I am doing these, I don't care about form as much as I care about moving that shit. Other times, I do bodybuilding style workouts where I might do more machines and cable movements. I also use higher reps and more sets and focus on a squeeze at every contraction.
I don't count calories perfectly. I know about what the food I eat has in it and I make sure that I get enough protein and calories so I keep muscle and energy. The only time I look closer at what I am eating is pre workout meal and post workout meal because I want to make sure that I get enough carbs so I have the energy to do a workout that makes me feel like I did something in the gym. When I get home, I always eat my biggest meal. I want to replenish those glycogen storages with a ton of carbs but I also want to feed the shit out of my muscles with as much protein as I can eat.

I'm not going to compete again. I've done this shit for almost 25 years. I'm bigger, stronger and better looking than the average guy in the gym. I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself. I live by this philosophy

In the words of the great Forest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.
Its much more than a hobby most people that take powerlifting on are a little fucked in the head. Nobody that powerlifts doesnt love it you have to love it because it comes with alot of pain and injuries. There is a special blissful feeling when you go all out every drop of energy to hit a PR in a meet its unexplainable. Most will mever understand the sacrifice it is to train for these events.

I love bodybuilding it was my 1st love but i would have never acheived much because i didnt love it enough i didn't want it bad enough. The hardest part of bodybuilding imo is keeping a strict diet i know how to train and i was never motivated enough to give up my ober eating and be able to eat anything.

One thing i love the most is powerlifting is a true brotherhood nobody hates on you everyone cheers for you and wants to see you lift big. You are competing against yourself always striving to increase your totals at competition. Dont be fooled powerlifting is fucken hard but it is so rewarding internally.
Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the talk. Pretty much what that video said.

I wonder if that guy kisses his mother with that mouth of his... geez, bro learn a new word.
Power lifters have no idea what it's like to run the rack with dumbell presses, sweating like a whore in church. Finally, you get to the 10 # dumbells, the set thats gonna end this torture, only to have one of the anavar twins walk by looking fine as shit, only to see her smirk at you struggling with dumbell presses with 10's.

Ok, you don't know what's like like, knowing that just dashed any remote chance you had of helping her shed those spandex and inhale her sweaty aroma.
So don't judge a bodybuilder, cause you just don't know what he's had to endure

Not that this has ever happened to me, I read it in an e-book
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Power lifters have no idea what it's like to run the rack with dumbell presses, sweating like a whore in church. Finally, you get to the 10 # dumbells, the set thats gonna end this torture, only to have one of the anavar twins walk by looking fine as shit, only to see her smirk at you struggling with dumbell presses with 10's.

Ok, you don't know what's like like, knowing that just dashed any remote chance you had of helping her shed those spandex and inhale her sweaty aroma.
So don't judge a bodybuilder, cause you just don't know what he's had to endure

^^ very true . a bodybuilder really has to leave his ego at the door of the gym to be successful . where as a powerlifter better F'ing bring the ego and the confidence if he is going to pull off that lift
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