The senate just passed the "Designer Steroids Act"


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The senate just passed the "Designer Steroids Act" , meant to eliminate designer steroids and even prohormones from the internet as well as "research chemicals" like IGF-1 and Liquidex . It is just waiting for the presidents signature and he's onboard.....Yes the witchhunt has begun and research labs like RUI and Extreme Peptides could soon be forced to go underground .....
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Senate makes designer steroids a controlled substance | TheHill

It clearly includes prohormones & will eventually include research chems/peptides/sarms, etc.

They've basically amended the act to be wider in scope so that certain compounds that aren't necessarily "steroids" can still be caught.
The only way to bypass the law is if the chemical comes from a natural source (herbs, etc) or is considered to be a dietary supplement by the FDA (different law governs what qualifies as a dietary supplement).
Here is a link to see what specifically has been added.

The key points of the amendment:

"...a drug or hormonal substance (other than estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, and dehydroepiandrosterone) that is not listed in subparagraph (A) and is derived from, or has a chemical structure substantially similar to, 1 or more anabolic steroids listed in subparagraph (A) shall be considered to be an anabolic steroid for purposes of this Act if-- (I) the drug or substance has been created or manufactured with the intent of producing a drug or other substance that either-- (aa) promotes muscle growth; or (bb) otherwise causes a pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone

(ii) A substance shall not be considered to be a drug or hormonal substance for purposes of this subparagraph if it-- (I) is-- (aa) an herb or other botanical; (bb) a concentrate, metabolite, or extract of, or a constituent isolated directly from, an herb or other botanical; or (cc) a combination of 2 or more substances described in item (aa) or (bb); (II) is a dietary ingredient for purposes of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.); and (III) is not anabolic or androgenic."
The key points of the amendment:

"...a drug or hormonal substance (other than estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, and dehydroepiandrosterone) that is not listed in subparagraph (A) and is derived from, or has a chemical structure substantially similar to, 1 or more anabolic steroids listed in subparagraph (A) shall be considered to be an anabolic steroid for purposes of this Act if-- (I) the drug or substance has been created or manufactured with the intent of producing a drug or other substance that either-- (aa) promotes muscle growth; or (bb) otherwise causes a pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone

(ii) A substance shall not be considered to be a drug or hormonal substance for purposes of this subparagraph if it-- (I) is-- (aa) an herb or other botanical; (bb) a concentrate, metabolite, or extract of, or a constituent isolated directly from, an herb or other botanical; or (cc) a combination of 2 or more substances described in item (aa) or (bb); (II) is a dietary ingredient for purposes of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.); and (III) is not anabolic or androgenic."

That could include ALOT of our favorites :sad:
Well i gues the pharmacutical lobby got there way. Research labs must be crimping their billion dollar profits. This blows!

Well, I can think of many more pressing issues the government needs to address then that. We pay taxes, so basically they steal OUR money and do what with it? Sweet fuck all. You know what they need to ban? Is fast food, the amount of unhealth out of shape fat people on this plant is a fuckin problem they should address, instead of wasting time and money of getting rid of things that can/could in many ways improve someones life.
Well now all you have to do is order from UGL's it doesn't make things that much harder. I trusted RUI more than any UGL out there considering they were pretty much operating legally and didn't have the same problems that a UGL would have. It sucks for experienced guys out there that use this stuff. But in my opinion when it comes to the general public it's best they don't have access to this kind of stuff so easily. A lot of kids fucked themselves up with prohormones when they were on the shelfs at every single supplement store with 19 year olds selling them the product. I feel like they should have done this sooner if they are so responsible. I do feel bad for all the people who depend on places like RUI though for their health. I wouldn't count research labs out of the game so easily though they are not going to just roll over and die and let some one else take all there business.
They can't even find the time to pass a budget!

Every year they wait till the last minute - then RAM all their special interest shit in there so nobody has time to
see what bullshit is actually in the budget... then sign off on it, so everyone gets to go home in time for the holidays.

I just caught a clip of the Kennedy movie (with Rob Low) where he got a shot of testosterone (and other things) in the ass while doing whatever he was
doing... and that's cool - shoot a damn gram up there if it helps run the country... just keep focused on the stuff that really matters.
Research labs like RUI for example should be just fine. They have protected themselves from this by saying not for human consumption and only for test subjects and their whole disclaimer. With all that they say that we have to agree to they can't control what people use it for. They aren't illegal technically they can be sold for research purposes still so buy a mouse and keep a journal. The problems our country has are a lot bigger then things like this. But with what legal knowledge I have I do believe that RUI has protected itself well enough that it can continue to operate the same way. I will try to read through their whole disclaimer and ask a lawyer friend of mine what he thinks. Unless their is a lawyer here willing to give some input on their opinion?
Research labs like RUI for example should be just fine. They have protected themselves from this by saying not for human consumption and only for test subjects and their whole disclaimer. With all that they say that we have to agree to they can't control what people use it for. They aren't illegal technically they can be sold for research purposes still so buy a mouse and keep a journal. The problems our country has are a lot bigger then things like this. But with what legal knowledge I have I do believe that RUI has protected itself well enough that it can continue to operate the same way. I will try to read through their whole disclaimer and ask a lawyer friend of mine what he thinks. Unless their is a lawyer here willing to give some input on their opinion?

I think your severely underestimating just how wide ranging this amended law is.

Lets keep this hypothetical and say that I own a research company, with synthetic compounds, designed to be tested on animals.

- Do the compounds I sell promote muscle growth? Yes.
- Are they derived from herbs or can they be classified as a dietary supplement by the FDA? No.

Immediately, this means under the law there is enough for the government to take a deeper look at my business to see exactly what I'm doing.
- Where is the majority of my customer base coming from?
- Do I have a marketing campaign and if so, where is it primarily located?
- Do I sell anything outside of anabolic compounds?
- Do I, as the owner, have other businesses that may be used as evidence to suggest I'm only targeting bodybuilders, etc?
- Am I doing anything to actively ensure that my products are only used for research?

Basically, the law is so wide open that its inevitable that most research, sarms, etc companies will be investigated further - whether anything will actually come out of it is another issue.