The Super Burrito. Lunch


New member
Normally i make lunch at home now because im a service manager and work near home. I come home when ever. But for lunch iv been making these burritos.

3 boneless chicken breast's sour cream quacamolie. Pico digio. "My spelling is horrible." Throw a little letuce and a cup of rice in there and im done.

Then mix a protien shake with high carb protien mix 30grams of protien in the mix 2 scoops of penut butter. 2 cups of milk. 2 eggs i know i know you shouldnt eat eggs raw. and a bannana.

This sound okay for a typical 12:00 meal.
Sounds good.

Are you bulking currently? The high carbs shake leads me to believe you are. Nothing wrong with raw eggs.

Might wanna throw some more veggies in there though.
yeah man i had to up my diet, because the test just kicked in. And im stacking anadrol and deca with the test. 500mg per week test and 400 deca and 50 mg anadrol per day.

1. I added a protien shake same shake for lunch in the morning along with 2 eggs mixed in malt o meal. basically its like oatmeal.

2.First snack is 1 can of tuna and 20g in a small milk that i bring with me to work.

3.I come home and have the super burrito lunch.

4. I go back to work and have 2 penut butter and jelly sandwiches. Along with a 3 cups of water.

5. Come home and eat 3 more peaces of chicken that i let defrost at lunch time.

6. I make pasta and eat another one of the protien shakes and of course i add some greens in with my meal.

How does that look? Let me know what i should add on to that, if you have suggestions.
The three shakes a day is killing my stomache though i might consume more food and cut down on the shakes.
hard on my stomache because usually im eating them after iv already eatin a large portion of food... Im starting to fit them into my diet 2 hours after i eat
im hopping for another 2 inches after 5 more weeks. I dont think its gonna happen though. probably will only get like 1.5 inch
A high protein diet always takes a while to get used to for me.

Hell, 4 chicken breasts and 2 steaks a day gives me horrible gas at first, even without one shake.