The War and receiving aas packages?!?!?!?!


New member
do you think that with the war.....attention will be drawn away from seizing packages and stuff like that? just a thought....I would imagine that they would tighten up on all packages....but maybe they would let Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) packages go through since they have more to worry about, like terrorist packages and stuff?!?!?!

opinions please!
haha i sure hope so, but I doubt that will be the case. I think more than anything they will tighten up on ALL packages. I'm still waiting on a package right now, and so far its taking a bit longer than it regularly would.
On the contrary, I think customs will tighten up more on all packages, which will probably mean more seizures unfortunately!
Terrorists can use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) as a chemical weapon. They may plan on putting oxandrolone in the water to poison our bodies, because everyone knows steroids kill you.
I wouldn't order international right now. I think the chance of packages getting through arn't good.
Damn, why wasn't this thread started 3 weeks ago. I'm waiting for a few packages. One of them is late now. I guess I'll be the test case.

GreasyGreek said:
Terrorists can use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) as a chemical weapon. They may plan on putting oxandrolone in the water to poison our bodies, because everyone knows steroids kill you.

Oh my god!! They do?!?!?! What the hell am I doing to myself?
Heyyo said:
Guys, packages coming from some countries are taking longer...some are not affected, but some packages are taking an extra week or even an extra 2 weeks.

If your source is clever, the package will make it through.
That makes me feel better, but I think I'm gona clean up, just incase.

things are going to be looked at very closely now more than ever before so heed caution and

dont send what you cant afford to lose. the anty just went up for awhile