Thick skin or Fat? Can it be lost?


New member
2 years ago I weighed 260 pounds. I was all fat and had a terrible lifestyle. I started going to the gym did cardio out the ass for two years and counted every dang calorie. Didn't have a slice of pizza for over a year. I got down to 170 pounds.

At that weight with a shirt on I looked anorexia thin. But I had this excess thick skin very loose at the bottom of my belly.

I started Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and am now 196 pounds gained much muscle back. I lift and do cardio 6 times a week. The belly fat is still there but everywhere else theres plenty of definition and mass. I am proud of the progress but many of my friends say I will never get rid of the loose thick skin just above the beltline. I have tried to prove them wrong and I think I have lost some. My obliques are showing and the upper part of my belly has some definition but just above the belt is the main problem.

So can it be lost? Is there a chemical out there that can help me loose this last bit? will it just take more time or is surgery the only option other than live with it?
Keep at it that belly fat is like an ex gf, never wants to leave. Congrats on the dramatic change. Im sure as u keep gaining mass it should correct itself.
Im in same boat, got fat/skin around mid section, can almost see abs then lower stomach hang, thinking about lipoadominoplasty
Im in same boat, got fat/skin around mid section, can almost see abs then lower stomach hang, thinking about lipoadominoplasty

I was hoping there might be some research chem out there I hadn't heard of I could inject subQ and it would spot melt it away LOL I guess if it existed everyone would know about it though LOL
if you started out with cardio and "Weight Lifting" specially ab workout you wouldve probably avoided that excess thick skin of yours.
if you started out with cardio and "Weight Lifting" specially ab workout you wouldve probably avoided that excess thick skin of yours.

Now you tell me LOL Maybe I should just get fat and start all over. :) Just Kidding.

Yeah wish I had but I didn't I did cardio for 8 months then started lifting.
Nope, anything other than a tummy tuck will be a waste of money. Start saving, my friend just had one done and it was 10k! But remember you will have a huge scar after, so it isnt perfect.
i too was very heavy,near the 400lbs mark now I'm 219 was 235 when i got off the beast drol cycle but have been working towards 195 200 lb range for summer ,and i too have a little loose skin at the bottom but my weakest link is the stubborn fat around my belly button area it looks like a mouth,I've been using a cutting gel and doing more cardio and higher rep range on my lifts and my stomach as firmed up a bit more and is a little flatter but it still looks like a sad little mouth and it drives me nuts and at this time i have no health insurance so i can't do any thing about it other then keep trying to take my body fat levels lower,i started taking katanadrol again it's said to lower body fat so i feel your pain it's madding all the work in the gym and the diet only to get ur ass kicked by loose skin and a stubborn fat deposited..
Well it depends if its fat or skin. If skin, then do what someone else said and add a bit of muscle to fill it out, or operate and remove it. If fat, I would try a low dose 200-300 DNP run to melt the rest off for a couple weeks.

Whosoever, want's to look energetic and powerful either to impress someone or due to their inner desire. Having too much weight is not a mind altering issue, but it may cause you a lot of illness if it persisted for a long time. If you are really having a much more weight or gynecomastia, then it is the best available option to consult about this issue to any specialist surgeon which surely let you out from this trouble.
I was about 265 a year and a half ago (6'4"), and by last summer I was 195. I was supposedly somewhere around 11%BF, but I looked at myself and all I could see was a very flabby midsection. With a shirt on, or wife beater, I looked good, but when I took my shirt off I felt like I was still very fat. I worked my balls off until the first of this year I said fuck it. It never got better and I decided to start bulking up. Maybe I didn't give it enough time, but at 195 I felt weak. I figured if I'm going to still look flabby I might as well start putting some muscle back on and get my strength back. I'm not getting a tummy tuck or any shit like that, if that's truly the only way to get rid of it I'm keeping it.