THICK SKIN...Solve the mystery.


New member
I used to be fairly vascular and lean...then I bulked up and my trainer says that I have thick skin. I'm lean but can only see remnants of veins...I know that veins aren't always a sign of being ripped but I won't feel lean until I have achieved good vascularity. Is there anything I can do to get rid of thick skin???
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Milk may be the answer here. When I am bulking I drink a lot of milk and I get that thick skin look even when my bodyfat is fairly low.
1.) How lean are you???
2.) Are you tanning fairly often.
3.) Are you taking Growth Hormone
4.) How much sodium are you taking in.

Alot of your problem can be found with the above along with the milk issue.
Skin thickness is genetic, GH can reportedly change that but you dont get "thick skin" unless you are talking about subcutaneous fat or simply holding too much water.

In other words, your trainer is talking outside of his league.
I am not taking and have never took GH...I am 11% bf right now...not exactly lean by bodybuilding standards. I take in about a gram to a gram and a half of sodium a day. I get most of my carbs from whole wheat bread which has over a 100 mg per slice. I didn't use to have "thick skin" but I'm sure people that are naturally thick skinned it is genetic. My buddy was high bf but had been workin out for years so he had a lot of mature muscle underneath the fat and once he leaned out he looked great. Ripped, vascular and hard. He used t3 and clen to lean out and ECA stack, lean out etc. So I was wondering if in addition to a balanced diet, training, and sleep of course if I could lose the thick skin whether it be caused from fluid or subcutaneous fat. Also, because of the acne from my last cycle, im taking doxycycline and retin-a ...the doc says it should clear up soon but to stay out of the sun while taking the medication.
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And Dirk I have seen the results that tensity has gotten and I would like to talk to you about nutrition and what not ...costs involved, etc.
I would say alot has to do with how lean your actually at- post some pics or send some my way and i'll let you know what i think.

I personally wouldn't worry about seeing my veins. In all honesty the take away from the physique.

Point in case, Flex wheeler - Dude never had a single vein visible. Did his physique lack because of it??? nope

As far as talking with me sure- send me an e-mail. What 'tensity did was all him. I gave him the needed advice. But the man put the work in. Point blank.

I talked to him once during his prep and him and a friend had acutally just went to watch a local bb show, as his friend was wanting to possibly compete. Well i guess they stayed longer then they had planned and 'Tensity didn't bring his next planned meal with him so they had to drive home (something like 25 min) to boil some rice and get his chicken. Needless to say i don't think his friend was wanting to compete after seeing the dedication it takes to be great.
I wasn't implying that tensity didn't put the work in...I just thought that your nutrition advice [along with the determination and knowledge it takes to be great] helped him reach his goals. I will take some pics and send them your way...Thanks Dirk.
Oh i know you didn't imply that but i wanted to make a point as others think you can half ass something and get by with 100% success.