Think I'll have a beard before my cycle is over? (can't grow a beard!)


New member
I've always wanted to have some stubble.. I can grow a thick goatee and a thick mustache but the sides just don't grow... it's extremely thin and looks pathetic if I try to grow it at all.. It's also very patchy..

I'm 5 weeks into my first cycle and i'm almost positive it's filled in some.. I know my chest hair has started sprouting some new members.

It would be AMAZING if this cycle actually increases the thickness of my facial hair.. Any experiences?? What are your thoughts guys?

Also does anyone know any WORKING methods of thickening facial hair? Not like vitamins but any products that TRULY work?
I'm literally laughing my ass off right now, this made my night... I'm not mocking you bro I'm sorry but this just made me laugh
I couldn't grow a beard before I started juice, now I have a full one four inches long. Just something to look forward to. No one else in my family has facial hair either.
Honestly homie, it may have that effect.. I didnt start to get hairs from AAS till around my 5th cycle.. I started getting little peach fuzz on my arms that started to get thicker over time..then a few patches on my back.. if you dont have much hair then consider it a blessing..

Some people lose their hair when cycling or getting older.

Lucky f k n I get older, w trt, my hair grow s like hydro ponic weed in New Zealand, my finger nail s and toe nails too...I have to shave 2 if I m going anywhere that u have to wear a shirt lol. Test..even trt is like friggen fertilizer..I thought of shaving my head but then I d be shaving the whole melon.

At 51 I got hair growing all over the f k n place.

Went to an oriental nail place w a buddy and had my trap s lat s waxed off....fuk me.

I raised up and stared at her like " U did that on purpose..some kind of eastern inside joke ???." She laughed shoved my head down.

Hurt surprisingly bad. And I m Nordic by blood red neck by choice...if my hair was coarse I d have bailed.

I bet it is filling in. Careful for what u wish for....