I been on testogel first, its like androgel and it did nothing for me. Then i tried Testim and got my testosterone up but my liver breaks down testosterone so fast so i had to use more then max dose to stay at 800ng/dl. After 6 months of treatment I got a really nice facial hair and my bodie changed from Homer Simpson look to athletic(gym 4 days per week). My voice changed to more deep. I had really hard to get ejaculations and it got easier with Testim.
I now started with Nebido and it was the same, my liver was killing the testosterone molecules to fast. It took 7 days from first shoot before it kicked in and it kicked in real nice,,, i got energetic, horney, big cum and everything was sunshine. That was week 2-3, after that my testosterone crashed and i got a new shoot and it took 7 days before it kicked in and on week 2 i testet and my testosterone was perfect, 800. I love my new life and women that are young and look like models flirt with me almost every day although im 41 years old, before TRT only steralised women and old women wanted me, women sence testosterone very well and they tell me that they can smell it. Im now in week 3 and 2 days from my 2nd shoot and last two days my erections are getting worse. I try to keep my testosterone up with some gel. I heard it gets better after 5-6 shoot but i would be very surprised if one shoot would last more then 4 weeks for me. If you want delayed ejaculations you should look into anti depression drugs cos alot of people that use those got problems to ejaculate so small doses of that will help you.
Best of luck!