Thinkin about joined the marines soon


New member
Hey guys I wuz thinin about joining the marines probably in the next 6 months or so and Im on a cycle right now, How will this affect my performance If i join the marines in the next say 6 months? All my levels should me normal by then right?
who gives a shit, they definitely do not. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use is silently condoned in the Marine Corps, but having been there and done that i would not recommend the Marine Corps to anyone unless they were:

1) homeless
2) in serious risk of losing life or liberty due to bad influences
3) you seriously want to go through hell because you realize you are immature and need to learn discipline.

seriously bro, they will try to fuck you out of every single benefit and you will be made to believe you have no rights. if you are willing to be a suck dick and/or the lieutenants informant then you will progress through the ranks quicker than shit. if you have dignity on the other hand, you have to either be hard core and not give a shit about anything, or be willing to spend your military career as a lance corporal. what is the marine corps motto? dig a ditch and fill it in, do it with a fuckin grin. semper fidelis is a sick joke these days.
ya one of my friend joineds and he is leaving for boot camp monday morning a t 3 a.m. i personaly wouldnt do it.
well I need a change in life right sucks where im at, and I was wondering if i just made things harder for myself by juicing or will i be stronger than before...This is just boot camp, after boot camp I might jump back on the juice....just wondering if me juicing now was gonna have an impact on me in 6 months
blackcatfever said:
well I need a change in life right sucks where im at, and I was wondering if i just made things harder for myself by juicing or will i be stronger than before...This is just boot camp, after boot camp I might jump back on the juice....just wondering if me juicing now was gonna have an impact on me in 6 months

The juice will have no impact on you in six months, they don't test for it anyways and your blood work should come back normal after that long of a time, if not you have a real problem. I don't know if you are set on the marines, but check out the army. I sspent seven years in the infantry and loved it, I was in the same situation that you are and it really turned my life around. It's not for everyone, but after I got out it paid for all my college and I wouldn't be where I am without it. Good Luck.
check to see who gives the best deal for your test scores ....
why be a marine if it pays a 2000 sign on when you can be a ranger
with a 15000 sign on bonus or a navy seal or army grunt ..
what job pays the most in the killing feild's , thats the one i would go with ...belive me its a lot easier to live in the hell they give with a new sports car , faster advancement ect and killing is killing no matter who you work for army, navy ,
hey thanks bros.....I really neeed a change in my life and I need some brother just got out of the marines last year , he was in the middle of the war..he's already told me about it...he says its not for everyone
bigdaddy22 said:
the only prob with the juice is you will lose ALL your size as soon as you get there

absolutely wrong brother. i had four guys in my platoon during bootcamp who came in big as fuck. two of them admitted to juicing after alot of pressure from the drill instructors. they got their contracts torn up and their guarantees went in the trash. if you do end up going, it will be around day three. you will be put in the red room and you will get fucked with if they suspect something. you will get fucked with even if they dont but to a much lesser degree. dont admit to shit. it is all a game. lots of mind games. i did not sleep those first three days, nobody did. they rely on this in order to make you admit to something... anything. the sooner you admit to something, the sooner you get to go to your barracks and eventually sleep. anyways, these four guys all ended up squad leaders due to their physical excellence. they all lost alot of weight but they all admitted they were much smaller before starting on the juice than after bootcamp. six months is plenty, just dont fuck up your joints lifting heavy and you will be good. also, i have no regrets about having joined. after crosstraining with the army and navy and being stationed on an army base for awhile i came to realize the marine corps is indeed the elite. i went in for reason number three. and it helped me out alot. just be prepared for hell. if you are in the west coast or west of the mississippi and get lucky you will end up in battalion alpha or bravo. at least when i went in these were the battalions that didnt severely beat their recruits. if you end up in charlie or delta then good luck. they were notorious for sending recruits to MRP (medical rehabilitation platoon) if that happens you will either get sent home after you recuperate or get recycled. sucks to be in that position cause you start all over. this may be a thing of the past however because hazing is now illegal. hazing is basically punishment through beatings or excessive exercise in the laundry room with all the dryers turned on while wearing the gas mask. (just an example) it is basically punishment through humiliation of some sort. it was good shit while it lasted but i am afraid it is a thing of the past. okay, im rambling now. if youre interested in horror stories or need honest advice, pm me. otherwise i am out.
I'm leaving for the Air Force in 3 weeks. My best friend is a Marine and it just doesn't sound like something I would ever want to do, but I do have the utmost respect for anyone joining the USMC. I actually just ran into a Marine friend of mine who just got back from Iraq and he is getting out this year and basically didn;t have much good to say about it. Some people love it a lot of people hate it.
Marines, Seals, Rangers...They all sound really cool till you turn 35, are on your third marriage because you kept leaving the last two for months at a time, and now they get your paycheck sent to them directly. You go to your high school reunion and stick out your chest as you say "I am a Marine, I kick but..." to which you get the response "Yeah, whats your portfolio look like...Don't have one...what a wuss." Join the service only if you are prepared to be looked down upon by anyone who has never served and is over 30, because to them your just a meathead. This is not said to discourage, I've put in some time myself and am proud of what I did but it is definitly a humble life. The only consilation you'll get will be from those who have served before you, because they understand and respect what you do.
When I was in the Navy (85-90) I was stationed with a bunch of Marines in Italy. The Navy guys were allowed to own cars, live off base and could stay out as late as they wanted to. Marines under E5 could do none of that.

Every day when we went to the chow hall we would pass their barracks and they would be emptying the contents of their rooms so they could clean and buff the floors.

Wanna guess how many times I buffed the floors in my apt. out in town?

Short hitch - Go Navy. Been to Italy, Austria, Germany, Spain, Hong Kong, Singapore, Phillipenes, Alaska, Hawaii, Thailand.

Long hitch - Go Coast guard or Airforce.