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blackcatfever said:Im not going tinto the marines for everyone else...im gonna do it for me....but i know what u mean tho...
good attitude.
blackcatfever said:Im not going tinto the marines for everyone else...im gonna do it for me....but i know what u mean tho...
HGH Man said:I joined the army in 67 and a war (so called ) was going on. People now are in a different frame of mind. Some say do it while others say no way. It take a man to be in control of there friends. I was 16 when I made up my mind to go in,it was the right thing for me. 17 came, and I went in,parents cried and girlfriend did to,but my friends where to nowhere to be found . I was proud to fight for this country. I came back as others did not. It was just something I had to do. Best of luck to you.
blackcatfever said:would finishing this cycle up with about 2-3 weeks of winstrol help keep my strength up will i lose most of my strength anyway?
bigdaddy22 said:Kube I hear what you are saying bro and I have two of my bestfriends that joined the service one is a ranger and the other was in recon. Both came back as physically smaller versions of themselves. If he does cycle I am just telling him not to expect to keep those gains, it is just not gonna happen, too much stress through bootcamp as well as not enough food= smaller person.
BigSickD said:put it this way you may lose size, but you will be in the best allaround shape of your life, and you will be mentally stronger which helps me even now in life and getting through grueling workouts. Once you get to a permanent duty station you will be able to workout and it depends on your job how much time. When I went in the army at 18 i weighed about 220 at about 11% bf at the end of basics and Ait (15wks) I weighed about 205 at about 6%, my average weight during my seven years was about 210.