Thinkin about joined the marines soon

I joined the army in 67 and a war (so called ) was going on. People now are in a different frame of mind. Some say do it while others say no way. It take a man to be in control of there friends. I was 16 when I made up my mind to go in,it was the right thing for me. 17 came, and I went in,parents cried and girlfriend did to,but my friends where to nowhere to be found . I was proud to fight for this country. I came back as others did not. It was just something I had to do. Best of luck to you.
Not really gonna help much. It will be so long till you'll be able to eat right and get proper sleep while training that you are gonna lose alot of size if you are fairly big now. I would take it just to build up a little bit while getting rid of water weight.
HGH Man said:
I joined the army in 67 and a war (so called ) was going on. People now are in a different frame of mind. Some say do it while others say no way. It take a man to be in control of there friends. I was 16 when I made up my mind to go in,it was the right thing for me. 17 came, and I went in,parents cried and girlfriend did to,but my friends where to nowhere to be found . I was proud to fight for this country. I came back as others did not. It was just something I had to do. Best of luck to you.

Men like you is the reason why I joined the Army and was proud to serve in Desert Storm(which doesn't even compare to vietnam, you know what I mean). THANK YOU

2/16 INF(LRPS)
The Big Red One
Kube I hear what you are saying bro and I have two of my bestfriends that joined the service one is a ranger and the other was in recon. Both came back as physically smaller versions of themselves. If he does cycle I am just telling him not to expect to keep those gains, it is just not gonna happen, too much stress through bootcamp as well as not enough food= smaller person.
blackcatfever said:
would finishing this cycle up with about 2-3 weeks of winstrol help keep my strength up will i lose most of my strength anyway?

put it this way you may lose size, but you will be in the best allaround shape of your life, and you will be mentally stronger which helps me even now in life and getting through grueling workouts. Once you get to a permanent duty station you will be able to workout and it depends on your job how much time. When I went in the army at 18 i weighed about 220 at about 11% bf at the end of basics and Ait (15wks) I weighed about 205 at about 6%, my average weight during my seven years was about 210.
bigdaddy22 said:
Kube I hear what you are saying bro and I have two of my bestfriends that joined the service one is a ranger and the other was in recon. Both came back as physically smaller versions of themselves. If he does cycle I am just telling him not to expect to keep those gains, it is just not gonna happen, too much stress through bootcamp as well as not enough food= smaller person.

oh yeah, hes definitely going to lose alot of his gains but i seriously doubt hes going to lose everything. all i was saying is that its not as bad as most would think. and hell have a definite advantage when he goes in, if thats what hes looking for. shit, the hardest phase is the first. second phase is (or was) mostly field training and third phase is mostly drill.

back cat fever: you are not going to magically lose all your gains, or your strength. it takes time bro, and as far as Winstrol (winny) i would personally not recommend it, especially if you have any joint problems. you may be okay but i personally would not use it. i saw alot of injuries when i went through, mostly sprains and stress fractures and i mayself have had too many inujuries to be using it.

BigSickD said:
put it this way you may lose size, but you will be in the best allaround shape of your life, and you will be mentally stronger which helps me even now in life and getting through grueling workouts. Once you get to a permanent duty station you will be able to workout and it depends on your job how much time. When I went in the army at 18 i weighed about 220 at about 11% bf at the end of basics and Ait (15wks) I weighed about 205 at about 6%, my average weight during my seven years was about 210.

thats exactly what i was saying. its not as bad as most would think. youre probably going to lose more than him but you will still be better off than you would not having used.
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Yeah I that is what i was thinking about Winstrol (winny) since it dries you out...I'm probably gonna go ahead and do my post cycle therapy (pct) and get prepared and start focusing on what i need to do....Thanks guys
If you can't swim then you better join the Army or the Air Force Marines have to swim in full gear during boot and they are amphibius you are going to deploy on and out of Navy ships .......and if you want to do anything remotely Spec War (recon or force recon) you will have to know how to swim.
On the up side nobody cares if you are on a cycle and you can buy what ever you want when you are over seas
hehe....I should have said i cant swim very well...but im gonna work on it before I join though..Im up for the challenge....peace bros
in 6 months you should be fine,but get it out of the way quick,dont even consider going while on post cycle therapy (pct) or shortly after,I went to boot for the canadian army here a few summers ago and I just finished a cycle thinking hey I will add some weight so I have some to play with,I started clomid 5 days before I left and I only lasted 2 weeks man,they broke me bad,I started thinking about all kinds of shit at home,about my mom being sick and shit that normally wouldnt bother me

I had to get out,and it wasnt easy bro,takes a while especially since I just lost it and couldnt perform,they took their time getting me off course and tortured me the time I was there,centering me out for everything
If your joining the marines for thr image it's the wrong reasons.The other branches treat you much better in pay,livingquarters, available facilities gyms etc.I also heard it's hard to make rank..
Good Luck in all you do man! I've spent the last 4 years in the Marine Corps. Now, I'm a reservist with 2 to go.
It will be the best decision you will ever make. The benefits you will earn will make all the pain worthwhile!