Muscles can't stop this..
Where's the "like" button?
They turn it off at 10 so they can keep a damper on things. All the moderators are asleep at this time! Can't have us going all apeshit and kirowack on anyone's ass, ya know?
Where's the "like" button?
[/I]I just read this post found it in another tren thread that was just posted.
But anyways, Ive been wanting to try and brew my own tren for a few weeks now, and Im wondering what exactly I will need, he did list some things in the link but It got a little confusing.
Im wanting to do a 4g kit. So if I remember correctly I will need two fina carts, is this correct? also will all of the filters and vials that I need come in the 4g kit? Or should I go another route?
any input would be appreciated, thanks!
I JUST got done with my first tren powder conversion. It looks awesome but can't collect to see my yield until tomorrow. Can't wait, I'll let you know how it went. I did 4g using basskiller's notacow copy of making crystal tren. I would like to do some custom powder mixes. will help you for the oils and solvents, or will help you for the whatman filters, **************.net these guys can take care of vials and other stuff syringes etc... They're all GTG
Then you save yourself a boatload over the course of 3-4 batches. Also, to be honest with you this finaplix stuff sucks, just my opinion. Best thing for you to do is what most ppl are doing and just sit and play the waiting game and try to procure you a source for some powders. The raw powders will be easier to convert (so i've been told) with less worries. But it could take you a while to secure a trusted source.
better thing for you to do though, is go to and check out those brews and combine the info there with Dtones recipies from this site in the top of the chemical study forum or block whatever you call it. Save your money on those high priced KITS and buy your own supplies. I'll dig up some places for you to get oils vials and the solvents you need and post em' here.
Fina sucks? LOL.... you know NOTHING my friend. Save your shit advice for the 12 year olds at the gym who flex after every set and look in the mirror beautiful looking powder came out fine but yield absolutely sucked. 58%. Only got 2.35g out of 4g worth of pellets (2carts). Any thoughts on increasing yield (other than crystalizing slower). I think I did that part PERFECT. I had to have lost yield earlier such as removing the fillers, etc.
Since we're talking about Fina, what the fuck is with that cough?! Years ago, when I ran it last, there were a few times where I thought they would find a dead body on the bathroom floor with a needle stuck in my ass.
I assume it's the binders and other toxic shit you're injecting from the conversion. Anyone ever get that cough when running the human grade Tren? (powders)
No sir!!! Iron my man, you've made another point to aid in my flaming of the all unknowing prick who likes to call bullshit when he's dealing with camel dung!!! Human grade powders has never caused anyone that I know a cough like the finaplix does!
Im not sure but that cough made me into a buffed bitchn beauty LMAO
It is the nectar of gods i tell you !!!
I agree the results are amazing, but that buff body becomes real insignificant when your life flashes before your eyes when you think your about to die. LOL
I'm too old to put up with shit like that anymore.
Hell yeah! Dinosaurs got no beezneez messin round with the tren!!! It will make you extinct!!!
haha, not a dinosaur yet, 38 and still out-lift almost everyone in the gym. It's just that you get to an age where shit like that is no longer worth it. If I got my hands on some human grade powder I'd probably give it a go.
Well let's give it a go!!! I got the powders! You bring the scar tissue!!! Ha ha ha
Deal! I got plenty of scar tissue but I can still find a soft spot.
I agree the results are amazing, but that buff body becomes real insignificant when your life flashes before your eyes when you think your about to die. LOL
I'm too old to put up with shit like that anymore.