thinking about trying a sarm but know nothing about them. Please help need more infor


New member
Hi guys I was thinking of trying a sarm but what is this vision thing that happens. Which one should I try and do they shut down the body's natural testosterone. Im thinking of using one post cycle. I have two months before I start my cycle and i want to prepare everything and look at all my options.
Here's a link with all the info you need about sarms and how each one works, side effects, etc. Read up and read some more before you put anything into your body. Sarms are mild side effect wise, but you still need to know what you're doing.

SARMS Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators | Sport Bodybuilding And Steroid Use

I do not recommend use of SARMS during PCT. I have seen accounts where people have recovered fine with SARMS during pct, but i've also seen the opposite. It's taking a chance. They would work great as a bridge though, especially running a low dose SERM along with it to keep test levels up and counteract suppression. Read up brother!
Thanks man how well do they really work compared to test. Do you have to take pct I heard they shut down the bodies own levels.
Thanks man how well do they really work compared to test. Do you have to take pct I heard they shut down the bodies own levels.

LGD-4033 would be the closest sarm to a good test cycle. LGD will pack on the mass for sure. Osta i like to compare to something like Tbol. It gives nice steady, quality gains of 3-8 lbs (in my experience) depending on diet. S4 i'd compare to a moderate dose of anavar. Not a whole lot of mass, but it hardens and cuts like no other. The thing about sarms is that all the weight gain is quality muscle. There's no extra water weight like AAS so you know every pound you put on is quality muscle.

I recommend still running a PCT after a SARMS cycle. Osta and S4 are mildly suppressive to your hpta, but i still recommend pct just as a boost to get back to baseline. LGD will shut you down just like AAS so definitely run a pct afterwords.
You probably shouldnt do anything that you don't know anything about. I would def suggest more research before just jumping into something unknown
^^^yes i recommend this as well. Even if you are only mildly suppressed, a pct will only be of an advantage to you to get back to baseline sooner.
Thanks everyone this will be a big help. I cant wait to look into them more.

You'll be more then satisfied my man. Sarms are the most under rated readily available substance there is. After people try them they never look back. I was skeptical my first time and I ran S4. Freaking amazing man. I recently ran an S4 log you check it out. If you want the best bang for your buck then purchase from Sarmsearch. They have numerous great logs.
Hello, I am new to this forum but have been doing reasearch on every possible anobolic before I decide to try anything. i read numerous people stating SARMS dont work then I read that they do work. The general consensus seems to be 50/50 so I am still confused as to their efficiancy. Can you post a link to your log bonexyster?
I've used osta in pct lots of times. If ur on both clomid + nolva you ll be fine.
you are still hindering PCT.... use it then do PCT.. its deff not gonna help pct. if you want something for that loom into peptides like igf1, tb500 or a ghrp mod grf 1-29 combo IMO.
you are still hindering PCT.... use it then do PCT.. its deff not gonna help pct. if you want something for that loom into peptides like igf1, tb500 or a ghrp mod grf 1-29 combo IMO.

Peps make muscle so much easier to keep after gaining it. I'm not sure how to explain it other then it just kind of wants to stick to the bone. Bridging the last few weeks of the cycle into pct would probably help alot.
Awrite guys,iv keep reading that ostarine only needs a mild Ai post cycle....would d-spark be suitable enough on its own as a pct for ostarine only cycle????
Should also say it'll be the first time I run anything like this so will only be dosing osta 15mg for 4or 5 weeks.....would d-spark cover me as a pct or 6bromo be better?(as suggested by jwsupplements) any thoughts would b appreciated!!