thinking bout ph's


New member
okay im 30 nyears old and 200 lbs 6ft and i recently have cycled off tren a and am running peptides with really great results im pretty knowledgeable about peptides and in looking for something else to cut up with currently running ipamorelin 3x ed at 100-200 mcgs with cjc no dac the same ed

i just have a few questions:

1. whats a good one to cu and bulk up like one close to tren

2. one that wont bloat me or give me gyno i guess i could grab some letro or something but the less gear the better for me

3. what are the sides on these and how long do they last

4. routes of administration ive read capsules under the tongue can you im these or no?

5. are these safe to take with peptides as ghrp an ghrh? and will they raise my blood pressure i have high blood pressure so idk tren a didnt really seem to bother it that much so

6. whats the best and cheapest place to get these how much to take lol

any help on this would be awesome before i try them thanks
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helladrol..... its not going to be exactly what your asking for... no ph is. or AAS for that matter. they all run a risk of gyno, going to bloat you, etc.

hella will be mild or light. mr supps has a BOGO sale on it i think. beastdrol for sure, but idk about hella. but hella is 3 bottles of in 1, thats why is 70 bux.

but you need that many caps to run a decent cycle anyways, if you get h drol or a clone get 3 bottles. run it 75mg the 1st wk and 100 the rest for 6wks. with a solid diet you will gain about 15 lbs once post cycle therapy (pct) is over. keep on the peptides the whole time.

also use ghrp 2, its a lot more potent.

but you should really run the hella with some test man, if you post here you should be able to get some. 400-500mg for 10wks, with the first 6 being on hella will make for a dam good cycle. test plus a oral jumpstart is very common.

Hmmmmm very good info there bud yeah man I tried ghrp2 but I really couldn't cut off of it I'm seeing great results with the ipamorelin but after I get my cut to where I want it its prob gonna be ghrp2 or 6 with cjc w/o dac with some frag or mgf and I will run that with some test or decades thanks dude