Weight: 203.5
I guess I really haven't been updating this like I probably should. Me just putting up the info I have probably doesn't help people that much so this is how and what I've been doing:
I usually awake around this time: 2-3 AM Casein shake and 1 cup of peanut butter
Breakfast: 0600 - 5 eggs, 5 egg whites, 2 cups of oatmeal, 1 cup of greek yogurt
Snack: 1000 - 2 cups of brown rice, 6-10 oz. of chicken breast or fish
Gym: 1130 - 1230 PWO - weight gainer shake -around 1200 cals, 50 grams of protein
Lunch: 1300 - 12-18 oz chicken breast, fish, or tuna 2 cups of brown rice, 1 cup of peanut butter
Snack: 1530-1600 2 cups of brown rice, 1 cup of greek yogurt
Dinner: 1800-2000 Rice/pasta Meat/fish/chicken always mix it up so I'm not tired of the same thing.
Before bed: Casein shake
I won't lie, I do try to eat as clean as possible but if I'm hungry and the only thing around is cookies or something like that - I'm eating them. Along with eating I'm taking the following:
Fish oil - around 2500 mg/ day
Irwin 3 in 1 Joint formula (this shit is awesome)
Cheap brand of the Emergen-C packs (I use this pre-work out)
Milk Thistle
All this seems to be working for me really well. I'm 19 days in and I've already gained 10 lbs. I do at times feel lathargic and feel like I can't possible eat another portion of food but I force myself to. I feels like I have a gut but I really don't, just so much damn food in me all the time. I drink 2-3 gallons of water a day.
Today was legs: btw, I'm not the strongest in my legs due to an accident a few years back so I've gone pretty light with them until now.
Squat: Warm up 135
225 x 10
315 x 8
365 x 3
225 x 12
275 x 8
315 x 6
Leg press:
750 x 10
800 x 5
800 x 2
3 sets of leg extensions, curls, eat 8 reps continually adding weight to failure.
3 sets of calve presses and raises - same as above.
My legs aren't huge but I'm proportioned and by no means have chicken legs, just hard coming back from a leg/lower back injury.
Anyhow I hope this is a better update, tomorrow is Shoulders.