Third cycle - 500mg Test E / Dbol -log


New member
Age: 28
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 192lbs
Diet is clean

Week 1-4 50mg Dbol ed
Week 1-12 500mg Test E ew
Week 1-14 .5mg Arimidex eod
Week 1-12 250iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) e4d stop 4 days before PCT
Week 15-19 Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20

I may consider using aromasin during pct and dropping the clomid. I keep reading a lot of good info on this but as for now, this is how it's laid out.

Been reading for 2 years on this board, I don't talk - I listen, so please excuse the low post count.

I say this is my third cycle but these have been spaced out over time. I was young and dumb back in the day we all know the rest. I didn't know much but read all I could and my first was dbol/deca/test I can't remember the dosage but I was 16 years old with coaches in my ear. Completely stupid looking back at it - I know and my height shows for my poor choices. Second was Test/Eq/Dbol/Var. Again stupid and 21 years old... awesome gains but I just did a clomid post cycle therapy (pct), lost a lot of it. Went from buyer to supplier for a while.........

From then I've experimented with a few PH with only one being good - Halodrol. I knew eventually I would pin again but I wanted everything to be right, set up from months of research and the ability to control everything.

I have deca on hand but at the last minute I decided against it. It's been 7 years since I've ran anything and I'm not sure how my body will respond, so I'm doing the basics, see what I got, and move on from there.

Two items I would like to discuss with the board:

I got my gear in a few days ago and I had a few "bonus" vials. I have two vials of GP TNE 75mg / Dbol 25mg. I read a thing or two about it but I honestly don't know shit about it. From what I understand this is a pre-work out, pin every 12 hours? Possible solvent taste in mouth and takes 2 hours to kick in? I haven't found much but does anyone have experience with this stuff? I would hate to not use it, especially if it has good potential for gains.

My hcg: 5000 iu vial. I just mixed it like procedure but I went with 5ml/bac water instead of 10ml. So on a slin pin .2 should be 200 iu correct? Wanting to minimize how much I have to inject in one setting.

I do believe making a log keeps you consistent and focused on your goals, so I will be updated this as much as I can. I appreciate any feedback.
First pin was last night, along with arimidex. Started dbol this morning. Back and bi's at the gym today, had a nice pump and was super focused.

50mg dbol today.
Nice little cycle for some mass brother, will be running something similar in a couple months. goodluck with it all, be safe!
Thanks bro
Nice little cycle for some mass brother, will be running something similar in a couple months. goodluck with it all, be safe!

50mg dbol
.5mg arimidex
Weight: 192.4

Trained chest this morning, not noticing any strength gains yet but i feel fuller and pumped.
50mg dbol
250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

Off day today. First time ever using a slin pin. Didnt feel anything, been about 30 mins since i pinned and i can feel a very very slight burn in the area. Leg day tomorrow.
Weight: 195.5
Pin 250mg test
50mg dbol
.5mg arimidex

Killer leg workout today, super focused but my lower back got pumped and hurt like hell. Taurin is now in my gym bag,
Above post was for yesterday.

50mg dbol

Trained shoulders today: Miltary press, dumbell press, standing military press, front and side raises, barbell shrugs, one handed barbell shrugs, upright rows. Had a nice pump going on. When I've been weighing myself, it's been in the morning on an empty stomach, however today I weighed myself at the gym and it was right on 200 lbs. Pretty damn exciting. I've noticed maybe a slight increase in strength but nothing to brag about. Tomorrow is arm day.
50mg dbol
.5mg arimidex

Arm day was today. Noticing stronger pumps and a huge increase in sex drive. Strength is up a little it..
Weight: 197.2
250mg/ Test

Today is my one week point and I have gained around 5 pounds. Strength is starting to go up and every now and then I have a hard time sleeping, I"ll just keep randomly waking up. I've been eating 5000 - 5500 cals a day and its been 95% clean. I have a really high metabolism so I won't keep myself from eating an occasional cookie or whatever. I do NOT drink with this stuff, that's a no brainer.

Tomorrow is chest day, we'll see how much I can put up on flat bench.

Are you running the dbol 50mg all at once pre-workout? or spacing it. Looking forward to your progress.

Spaced throughout the day bro... 20 Upon waking up, 10 pre-work out, 10 mid afternoon, 10 evening.
Hey sounds like your doing good !!

Can I ask you a few pointers I'm 27 5'7 148 lbs very fast metabolism lean work out at golds on and off want to get in a routine and try roids can you help out ? Thanks for reading no one else wants to help me out figured Id ask thanks again!

Weight: 197.2
250mg/ Test

Today is my one week point and I have gained around 5 pounds. Strength is starting to go up and every now and then I have a hard time sleeping, I"ll just keep randomly waking up. I've been eating 5000 - 5500 cals a day and its been 95% clean. I have a really high metabolism so I won't keep myself from eating an occasional cookie or whatever. I do NOT drink with this stuff, that's a no brainer.

Tomorrow is chest day, we'll see how much I can put up on flat bench.

Spaced throughout the day bro... 20 Upon waking up, 10 pre-work out, 10 mid afternoon, 10 evening.
Can I ask you a few pointers I'm 27 5'7 148 lbs very fast metabolism lean work out at golds on and off want to get in a routine and try roids can you help out ? Thanks for reading no one else wants to help me out figured Id ask thanks again!

If I were you, I would re-evaluate your training/diet before considering AAS. Being 5'7" 148, I would think you are far from reaching your natural potential.
What does your diet look like?
You say you train on and off - what would it take for you to be fully committed and stick to a work-out routine?
What does your work-out routine look like now?
Why do you want to use AAS?
What body type are you?

These are just the basic things to sort out before you consider gear. If you train on and off as of now, you'll be very disappointed and could potentially do more harm to your body than good by using AAS.

There are plenty of forums and websites that offer good training advice and could get you on the right track. For example, check out -they have tons of work out programs, find one that will match your goals and try that for at least a 6 months to a year. See if you can handle the amount of dedication it takes to drag your ass to gym every day and eat when you think you can't anymore. You must have a solid foundation to build upon, it isn't as easy as just sticking a needle in your body and hoping for the best. Good luck to you bro and I hope this helps you.

Trained chest today, was pretty happy with my lifts:

Flat Bench: Warm-up - 225 x10 - 275 x 6 - 315 - 2 had a spotter help on a few of these.
Incline: 205 x 9 - 225 x 6 - 235 x 2
Decline: 225 x 10 - 275 x 6 - 295 x 3 - 295 x 2

Dumbells I worked up to the 100's with no problems on flat, inclinde I got up to the 90's.
Continued dumbell work with flyes and pull overs.
Cable cross overs,
Weighted dips with 45lbs over body weight.
Weight: 198.2

This morning I hit legs. Got up without the alarm going off and headed to the gym. Started doing squats to only find I was still super sore in my joints from my last rampage on legs. I did a light set in squats, no point in straining anything. I got heavy with the leg press, extension, curls, calves, and abs. Since squats hurt, I didn't even try deadlifts. It's been a while since I've gone really heavy with legs, so I'll up my joint formula dosage up more and stretch more than I already am.

Even thought it felt like I slacked ass today, I'm up one pound from yesterday.

Tomorrow is shoulders and tri's.
Weight: 199.6
.5mg arimidex

Today totally sucked ass. I dint get a chance to hit the gym, too much shit going on. Tomorrow WILL be better..
Weight: 199.6.....pretty pissed i ate tons of food today.

I killed my shoulders today, 110% focused and lifted as heavy and as hard as i could. Felt incredible! Dbol is really kicking in... I find my skin getting flushed really easily, and i

get pissed of a lot easier but i can control it.
Tonight when i pinned it hurt like a bitch. Always does on the same side and blood comes out will be sore for sure.