third cycle plan


New member
planning a cycle for the beggining of march and wondering if my doses are god for my third cycle or too low?

anadol wk1-5 75mg ed
tren e wk1-10 300mg/wk
test e wk 1-10 500mg/wk

gonna do clomid for pct at 50mg for 4 weeks.
reason being is its tnt.250 test e and 150 tren e per ml but i can get another bottle and do 750 tes and 450 tren would that be alot better or not much noticable?
first cycle was test and dbol
wk1-4 dbol 25mg ed
wk1-10 test e 500mg ew

seocnd was dbol/deca/test
wk1-2 dbol 30mg ed
wk3-4 dbol 40mg ed
deca wk 7-15 was planning on running 10 weeks but only did 8.

wk1-15 test e 500mg ew.

would leaving out tren and adding test at 1000 per week be better?
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