Third cycle ! Sust, tren , dbo


New member
This is my third cycle please let me know what you think. 25 years old, 5' 10" 195 pounds 16% BF. I've ran two cycles prior to this which were both strictly test cyp with d Bol kick starts.

D-Bol weeks 1-4 @ 40mg
Test Sust weeks 1-14 @ 700mg
Tren Enth weeks 1-8 @ 500mg

Arimidex eod .5mg

PCT Clomid 5 weeks 100/100/75/50
PCT Arimidex 5 weeks .5mg EOD

This is my first cycle using tren I have all of the above on hand. I haven't been gyno prone thus far. I'm looking to put on 15 pounds of lean muscle by the time this cycle is finished. What are your opinions? I'm open to all criticism from the most experienced guys. Thanks
whats your diet going to look like with this cycle?

get some prami just in case the tren gives you a hard time..

technically i would have waited on the tren and used deca first
2900-3100 calories a day, 300 grams of protein, 180 grams of carbs, and roughly 100 grams of fat depending on the meat. And I didn't want to go with Deca just because I heard it's mostly water retention, I also already have the tren. On a side note there's a medium sized crystal chunk in one of he vials. I heard it's because sometimes if it's high potency it can cash in temperature under 60 degrees and crystallize. Will it still be good if I run it under boiling water and shake it up in order for it to dissolve. Don't mean to get off topic but this makes me nervous
Tren a would have been a better choice imo on your first run with tren. The sides can be a deal breaker for some peeps and then you're forced to wait it out until it clears in 2-3 weeks