this is my first time need some advice


New member
Hay im 30 and going to start 1st cycle. Looking for some advice on what the best oral bulking cycle / cutting and for how long.
Not another oral only cycle question! Dude this has been answered 10 times in the past two weeks. Read over some other posts and the sticky posted above.

All these people asked the same shit you are asking. You can search before you ask bro. Read first and then we will be willing to help you, but you got to help yourself.
I looked up the links and it would seem that 17 week test mix with dbol ending with nolvadex would this be a good cycle?
You need to continue researching... but 1st cycle should be Test only with an AI and HCG throughout then followed up with a Nolva and Clomid PCT.

This is written all over the place. You should be able to find all the info you need around here. You just need to look!!
Not another oral only cycle question! Dude this has been answered 10 times in the past two weeks. Read over some other posts and the sticky posted above.

All these people asked the same shit you are asking. You can search before you ask bro. Read first and then we will be willing to help you, but you got to help yourself.

Why would they do the research? They ask dumbass questions then people like you and I do the leg work for them. There needs to be a sticky about oral only cycles with a link to all those threads
Thank you all for you positive help a little back round on me never tried any steroids befor never even been on a forum am a combat vet " Infantry " I work 12 hr a day so not much time I do 2 a days to get ready for sfas I have 6 months befor I go if I was to ask what bullet drop of a 7.62 round was or max rang of a .50 cal I wonder would I act like an ass when you did not know? Not looking for hand outs jest a little help so I dont fuck it up
Well u gotta understand that u had to do some kind of search to even find this site. A lil effort into signing up. Lil bit of some navigating around to start a thread. So if u went through all that trouble, why not do a couple more clicks and find your answer? Congrats on serving our country btw but i don't see why that was thrown in there. If u want, I can do a search and post the drop of a 762 and accuracy of a .50.
Thank you all for you positive help a little back round on me never tried any steroids befor never even been on a forum am a combat vet " Infantry " I work 12 hr a day so not much time I do 2 a days to get ready for sfas I have 6 months befor I go if I was to ask what bullet drop of a 7.62 round was or max rang of a .50 cal I wonder would I act like an ass when you did not know? Not looking for hand outs jest a little help so I dont fuck it up

Use the same mental toughness and discipline you acquired in the service and apply it to this situation. Thank you for your service if you indeed did serve. Your representation so far contradicts.
The point I was trying to make is being a steroid elitest is not constructive criticism its being a jack ass. Im not a guy who worked out once or twice ive been in the gym for the last 7 years and never tried steroids in that respects I dont know any thing about it not looking for hand outs jest hay bro lok here or I heard this works I took some of the links that was given and found oral is shit most of the stuff I have found is weekly schedule saying 500mg a week of test dose not give the brake down of daily . Like said not looking for some one to hold my hand but im damn sure not the guy who is going tobe cool with some one being a jack ass ether
You want some advice....

Is its HEY not hay. Hay is what horses eat. Also, what is jest?? Its Just. You don't need steroids you need a 3rd grade English class.
You definitely don't wanna use Dbol with high bf% estrogen is a bitch to control believe me I know. Research as much as possible try test only make sure you have a legit ai I know RUI's stuff works. Try to lose some bf then you can start adding in non aromatizing goodies in future cycles good luck to you bro
You need to continue researching... but 1st cycle should be Test only with an AI and HCG throughout then followed up with a Nolva and Clomid PCT.

This is written all over the place. You should be able to find all the info you need around here. You just need to look!!

100% agree with this ive done 6 oral cycles that have ranged from 4-6 weeks and 2 actual cycles that were 12 weeks each if i could of done anything different it would be that id only ever use orals to kickstart a test cycle

by the end of your oral cycle your just burnt and feel gross and if you dont the shut down youl go through during pct is worse than any gear cycle my advice for a first time cycle is ask alot of question and run 12 weeks test e/c solo and go from there
make sure you have ai's, serms, hcg before you have your gear then make sure you plan out a clean diet like 5 meals a day split evenly
my diet on cycle consists of protein powder, chicken breast, steak, pasta, rice, water. nothing else all my meat is cubed and boiled - if you buy in a box or bag dont eat it

8oz chicken breast cubed & boiled with 1/2 cup rice and some kind of a low sodium sauce 1tbl spoon mixed with 1/4 cup water a few asorted veggies meals like this are what you want