This kind of scared me. Watch the whole things.

Zero V

Prodigal son
Discuss, watch the vids if your going to post.

Okay. I always considered aliens "possible".

But this series of sightings, some absolutely astronomical in proportion and magnitude, I am not sure how we did not hear more of it in teh U.S.

Watch or fast forward to about 8 minutes when they do the phone call from the man from Area 51, freaking out and what happens. What he predicts.

The "DISASTERS" he said was coming to the world wide spread.....

This is freaky as hell, ALSO I will post this video about Japan where you can clearly see something going on. Someone said HAARP beam, but the gov't is saying its a reflection...

This happened in Japan, near the time of the quakes...

Weird device....

This was found in ancient religious grounds, a weapon used by ancient civilizations to move rocks of massive size, or destroy enemies, so powerful only kings could use it...

Food for thought. That last one about getting the device working before 2012 or all mankind is doomed, is kinda creepy.

The more I search, I actually meet individuals who have seen alot.
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i can't see anything zero

Working on it, these freaking Youtube things never work.

Specifically watch that last one, then think about the HAARP project for a weapon....then look at the Japan video...

I am a deeply religious man, but lately I have been more confused than ever in my life.
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Skeptical at best, I don't know what that Japan reflection thing was if anything.

I'd be more impressed if they predicted one thing, that they say they already know.

It's easy to come up with stories after some facts right? and make them some what convincing.
I am a deeply religious man, but lately I have been more confused than ever in my life.

What would you be confused about Zero?
A youtube video or a thousand youtube videos would not superceed the bible that you know cover to cover. Walk of faith Brother. You know that.
Don't let the clutter push out the truth. Keep it simple.
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What would you be confused about Zero?
A youtube video or a thousand youtube videos would not superceed the bible that you know cover to cover. Walk of faith Brother. You know that.
Don't let the clutter push out the truth. Keep it simple.

It goes far deeper than that. I have been talking with individuals who point out many truths, that completely unintended these things matched up with. I am pretty skeptical, but add in these events, with thos odd perfectly bored circles that are appearing world wide, dozens of thousands of birds dropping dead at once in mid air somehow suffering from trauma, disasters wiping out entire swaths of people (Haiti, Japan).

The fact you know the truth is being covered up by federal statements. Plus have you watched that release by air force officials stating the government will soon disclose the truth about an ET presence or that they would do it for them? Have you seen or hear from those officers since then?....

Where do aliens fit in to the faith? Thats what gets me.

I can never keep it simple. I want to solve the worlds problems, I wish to fix people, I want to erase the bade and redo the good in this nation. I dont desire to wake up tomorrow and have a nice day at work, hang out with a friend, and enjoy a nice vanilla ice cream cone. I desire to wake up, and change the damn world but i cant and it stressed me out lol.

I will always be a Christian, but these last 2 years have left me feeling like a conscript to an army, not a child to a father. lol.
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dont desire to wake up tomorrow and have a nice day at work, hang out with a friend, and enjoy a nice vanilla ice cream cone. I desire to wake up, and change the damn world but i cant and it stressed me out lol.

Yah, i cant stand living a "normal life" it is not at all fulfilling to me.

I kinda feel like i would fit better in the 1800's or medieval times .
is this fake and gay simpleton ?

Norway Spiral explained, proof it was an EISCAT (HAARP type facility) performing an "experiment"

YouTube - Norway Spiral explained, proof it was an EISCAT (HAARP type facility) performing an "experiment"

People want to go to sleep, and wake up in a world that will never change, and everything they know to be the truth and all that there is.

No one wants to realize that just maybe, their insignificant lives have no effect on the real world and what could be going on.

The HAARP design is not something I believe they should be playing with. Its the beginning of experiments of altering the state of time and space attributes. Altering the ionosphere, which messes with the magnetosphere is not something humans should be doing considering how self destructive we are.

Here as well.

YouTube - Mystery! Giant sinkhole swallows building in Guatemala

We all seen that on the news, what you maybe didnt know is its happening all over the world. Hundreds of holes of different sizes, all seemingly perfectly circular...

Also with the birds dropping dead. what 5,000 in Arkcansas, 2 million did it in Russian, 1500 did it in Japan, several hundred in KY. Instances where instantly, birds just dropped dead. Always showing some kinda awkward sign of trauma.

So if its not something being covered up, then you should have an even greater reason to want to find out whats going on...

Alot of things are going on...

Its not all conspiracy theories, they exist for a reason. If even one single conspiracy theory is true, think of the sheer effect just one of them has...and not all of them can be wrong.

This video is a recorded incident, supposedly caused on accident by equipment...

I watched this a few times trying to say its fake, but farr to much detail is in it... Plus when you search it, the reports of the incident exist.

Alot of things are being relegated to HAARP devices. Which HAARP devices are mentioned in that 3rd video in the original post. How they were derived from an ancient artifact. The one that could explain the great pyramids, the wiping out of entire civilizations, and many other items of interest.
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Lets not forget the possibility of Planet X passing through.

EDIT: Which I might add, is higher on my skepticism scale but anymore I dont take anything for granted. Not one I am counting on actually going on, that one seems a farce.
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Lets not forget the possibility of Planet X passing through.

EDIT: Which I might add, is higher on my skepticism scale but anymore I dont take anything for granted. Not one I am counting on actually going on, that one seems a farce.

I remember when planet x was first discovered. I was in grade school at the time. The reason i remember it is because my teacher had a friend come to our class to tell us about it. He was a astronomer i think. He was showing us imigaes and graphs of it. Ill never forget how excited he was.
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WOW Zero. That sure is a lot to take on in one day. I could'nt entertain that many thoughts in one week let alone one day.
Why take on such abstract endeavors. You can't change them.
holes are holes, dead birds/fish happen frequently.
For myself I like to keep it simple. How can you enjoy the beauty of the pond around you if you keep stiring up the water??
These things aren't meant to be solved. They are signs and wonders and predicted. They are simply comfirmations of what is yet to come.
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you know me,
I'm the first guy that dies in the movie,
if those alien fucks come here from another dimension to start trouble...

Guess what, America loves trouble !
will shooot their ass back to the asshole they came from yippeekayay !!!!mutha fucka!!
this video is freaky though,.
Former CIA NSA Expert Discusses Upcoming Alien UFO Disclosure by US Government

Zero Are you kidding Me?? None of this is mentioned in the bible. Why on earth would you give it any establishment in your mind.
well pickle, the bible does mention that in the end of days there will be sings from the heavens.. also the book of ezekiel, the prophet mentions god and his flying object,
this could be interpreted as a plane or a Ufo,.
Damn Zero, you get into some deep stuff. I wouldn't be able to sleep for a month if I hung out with you for a day... Lol
WOW Zero. That sure is a lot to take on in one day. I could'nt entertain that many thoughts in one week let alone one day.
Why take on such abstract endeavors. You can't change them.
holes are holes, dead birds/fish happen frequently.
For myself I like to keep it simple. How can you enjoy the beauty of the pond around you if you keep stiring up the water??
These things aren't meant to be solved. They are signs and wonders and predicted. They are simply comfirmations of what is yet to come.

I find it hard not to think on these subjects. Understanding is how men ascend within themselves, and I believe very rarely do individuals understand enough to reach any kind of potential they actually have. The human mind and body are unique and have locked secrets few understand...

you know me,
I'm the first guy that dies in the movie,
if those alien fucks come here from another dimension to start trouble...

Guess what, America loves trouble !
will shooot their ass back to the asshole they came from yippeekayay !!!!mutha fucka!!
this video is freaky though,.

Right there in the front lines with you brotha. Though if you have seen Battle for L.A. watching our marines get toasted actually woke me up again to how frail we were, even our best warriors could potentially be obliterated.

Former CIA NSA Expert Discusses Upcoming Alien UFO Disclosure by US Government

Zero Are you kidding Me?? None of this is mentioned in the bible. Why on earth would you give it any establishment in your mind.

As much as I am a follower of the Bible, I do not see the Bible as the perfect grouping of all knowledge. Its our guidebook from God, BUT it was written by men, and was pieced together only over a thousand years ago to be what it is. Many scriptures were not included, many omitted, and many simply lost. And with the old testament, well there are many mysteries.

This is what Ezekiel described, in Ezekiel chapter 1

All the ancient civilizations, those that even predate Judaical times recordings all mention the gods being visitors. In fact, even our own understanding of God, Christ, and how that all works is guesswork done by us.

Damn Zero, you get into some deep stuff. I wouldn't be able to sleep for a month if I hung out with you for a day... Lol

I am a writer, inventor, creationist, and mad man extraordinaire. I leave people thinking about things at work all the time, and anyone I meet all the time.

My mind never shuts off though, the reason I process so much, all at once is because I can...but I can never focus on any single object. It sucks.

There is deeper stuff we could talk of, but many things should never be offered, only sought.

I wasnt really big on UFO's...if they existed, sure, if not, eh.

But recently the combination of ancient history, my religion(Christianity) and other ancient religions, and all the links, the evidences turning up, the ancient writings and drawings depicting things like UFO's and weird artifacts/technologies. The ancient mysteries, Babylonian empire, Sumerian empire, the pyramids, the Easter island statues, the ancient architecture that is built more perfectly than we can do today yet people were somehow able to move objects so massive that today we would need Earth movers to move them... and they did so across nations?

The Bible is my guidebook, but I doubt it holds all the worlds secrets. Lets not forget the Catholic church was about control, and we are the protestant offshoots of Catholicism and in so adapter their Bible which had been designed in such a way to fill the "needs" not the "wants" of a religious people.

The Vatican has libraries that could rival that of Alexanders. Likely with texts, that we may prefer not to read.

Knowledge more often than not when bestowed upon individuals carries the weight of burden more so than an essence of enlightenment.

If I could, I would go into the darkest oldest tombs of the world, read the most ancient texts, study the most arcane knowledge.

Modern man is missing something. I can feel it. Things are changing in the world. It may be Biblical prophesy, but at the same time even we do not fully understand the prophecies we prophesy to the world.