This Split Look Good?



M - Bi/Tri 4-6 sets each, not much direct arm work.

W - Back/Shoulder

F - Legs

S - Chest

That a good split, or does anything overlap too much?
is S saturday or sunday? if its saturday, i wouldnt advise that because the day before you just did legs, (which i am assuming is squatting) your body isnt quite fully recovered after about 24 hours of rest. if S is sunday, then you run a risk of over training your tris... a 4 day split is tricky because there are 7 days in a week lol makes it tough :p
however, that is just based on me :) and you could be totally different, you never know :)
When I work with a split, it's pretty much based on a push/pull split.

What you should do is this

Monday- Back
Wednesday- Chest/Shoulders
Friday- Legs
Saturday you can have our sissy arm day :)

You can move the days around but try to keep some time between legs and back, if you are working really heavy. Otherwise it doesn't really matter.

But if you are working with reasonable volume and not lifting really heavy then you could do Legs and Back on the same day and Shoulders and Chest on another day, then work on 3 or 4 days a week with that, I don't know why you need a seperate arm day, unless you just want to blast them with more volume. You don't need a full week to recover from a workout unless you're doing mondo strength stuff.
Insane_Man said:
When I work with a split, it's pretty much based on a push/pull split.

What you should do is this

Monday- Back
Wednesday- Chest/Shoulders
Friday- Legs
Saturday you can have our sissy arm day :)

You can move the days around but try to keep some time between legs and back, if you are working really heavy. Otherwise it doesn't really matter.

But if you are working with reasonable volume and not lifting really heavy then you could do Legs and Back on the same day and Shoulders and Chest on another day, then work on 3 or 4 days a week with that, I don't know why you need a seperate arm day, unless you just want to blast them with more volume. You don't need a full week to recover from a workout unless you're doing mondo strength stuff.

The problem is Chest has to be Sat or Sun because I do this day with a partner for spots and those are the only days that work. But everything else you say makes a lot of sense. Argghh.
Oh, I usually work in the 3-5 rep range on core lifts, so I do prefer to work "heavy" for me anyway.
string_bean00 said:
The problem is Chest has to be Sat or Sun because I do this day with a partner for spots and those are the only days that work. But everything else you say makes a lot of sense. Argghh.

Chest on saturday or sunday shouldn't be that much of a problem.

You could do Back/Biceps on Tuesday, Legs on Thursday, Chest/Shoulders and Triceps on Sunday.

You could just go 3 days a week. If you want to throw in another arm day anywhere, you could do that. Arm workouts don't really mess with other lifts.
Fuck, forgot to mention Tues/Thur are off limits...class all day then work. My schedule sucks. Really constricting.
You can still do what I originally suggested, just switch up the chest and arm days. Legs before chest shouldn't pose much of a problem. I do full body 3 times a week and don't have a problem.

Just keep the volume reasonable. Don't listen to Arnold.