Thoughts about TRT + blasts????


New member
Hey guys I'm currently trying to get my TRT dialed in after changing from pellets to test c injections. I'm in my 40s. Since I had low T undiagnosed for awhile I put a bit of central fat on. I'm dieting and doing cardio but my metabolism is still sluggish. It's hard to make up lost ground but I'm grinding away at it every day trying to get a defined body back.
Down the road I may want to add to the mix for continued body recom********** I don't want to add any test. Questions: once you're on TRT and u don't have time on time off concerns for recovery what are some guidelines u TRT guys use to direct usage. Also, Deca ruined my HPTA, so would there be any harm in adding NPP at this point? Never tried equipoise. Don't want to do orals.
My TRT doc right now is testing blood q 8 weeks. Not sure what his long term approach is. Time will tell.
Any feedback appreciated. Thanks bros.
If you have a sluggish metabolism you need to have your thyroid checked. Maybe that is what contributed to your Hypogonadism.

NPP and Deca are both Nandrolone. Just different esters.

Why do you think the Time On = Time Off rule doesn't apply to guys on TRT?

You should not run a Blast until your doctor is only checking up on you once or twice a year.
I already know my thyroid is sluggish. ***55357;***56852; My TSH has been fine until April. Seems hypogonadism caused hypothyroid. I wasn't aware time off time on rule of thumb applied when on TRT. The HPTA isn't going to wake up ever anyway, right? And according to the down regulation article on the main page here, down regulation is apparently overrated. Why would a TRT patient need to spend as long off a blast as a non TRT patient? I'm always looking to learn.
I already know my thyroid is sluggish. ***55357;***56852; My TSH has been fine until April. Seems hypogonadism caused hypothyroid. I wasn't aware time off time on rule of thumb applied when on TRT. The HPTA isn't going to wake up ever anyway, right? And according to the down regulation article on the main page here, down regulation is apparently overrated. Why would a TRT patient need to spend as long off a blast as a non TRT patient? I'm always looking to learn.

Natty guys rule is Time On + PCT = Time Off. TRT guys is Time On = Time Off. This gives the body time to recover fully from a blast. AAS affects more than just your HPTA. It stresses your organs.

If your thyroid is fine, why are you saying that your metabolism is still sluggish?
I apologize for poor explanation. My thyroid is not fine. In the past 3 months my Tsh has gone from 4 to 15. So far my PCP says he considers it subclinical. But I believe it is harder for me to lose fat than past diets.
I apologize for poor explanation. My thyroid is not fine. In the past 3 months my Tsh has gone from 4 to 15. So far my PCP says he considers it subclinical. But I believe it is harder for me to lose fat than past diets.

You need to see another doctor and look at treating your thyroid condition.
Uhhh, 15 is 3x over the top end of the range! Time for a new doc, or at least give him a good verbal beat down.

Bloodwork determines blasts. It is a good idea, and should be the rule of thumb as Tron stated however. We do have some leeway as the damage to the HPTA is done, but there are other considerations like connective tissues, your heart, and liver/kidneys.