thoughts and recommendations


New member
will be running a new cycle. this will be my first time running tren E
diets very clean
heavy weight training 5days/week
cardio 7days/week

the cycle is ten weeks long

cycle looks like this:
200mg tren E/Week (have thought about doing 100 mg 2x week if sides are too strong)
250 test C/week
hCG 250 2x/week for the whole 10weeks and up until 1 week after last shot? (first time using hCG so could use some help)
Adex start off with .25mg EOD and adjust after mid cycle BW

start at week 14
clomid 75/50/50/25
Nova 30/20/20/10

any advice can help?
Why running test so low? Have you had bad sides running it? You are shutting your natural test test down and replacing about tge same amount with that dose should up test to 500 mg ew 250mg e3.5 dsys.

As for the tren for your first run you shoukd be using tren A so if you do have issues it will clear your system alot quicker than tren e.

When you run a 19nor like tren you should have caber or prami on hand incase of prolactin issues which you should be testing for at mid bloods.

Run the cycle 12 weeks or even 14 and stop the tren 2 weeks before stopping test
i've heard alot of mixed things about the tren E vs. Tren A. alot of people told me the tren A pinning EOD the sides are harsh as fuck as oppossed to the Tren E but i've also heard the other way around. so i opted for tren E cuz i don't want to pin EOD.

as for the low amount of test. i think it was just because i never ran tren before i i wanted to keep things low.

what about my PCT plan?

and any advice about the hCG

I heard that i shouldn't have to worry about Prolactin so long as i keep the test from aromatizing