three diff kinds of tests in one cycle


New member
hey guys

my guy fucked my order up i was going to get all sustanon but i got 2 prop 100mg,
1 cypionate 250mg
and 1 masteron 100mg

can i use this in my cycle????

like i wont have unuff of one kind to do my 12 week cycle but if i use one kind at a time for the 12 weeks i will

ps im doing the test with deca and d bol.

thanks for all the info u can give me thanks!!!!
Ya your pretty much can run the prop for the first four weeks with the cyp but your going to need 2 or 3 more vials of cyp. Mast is not test....

give us your stats and your complete cycle layout
That's a horrible cycle. You have enough cyp for 5 weeks and enough prop for 5 or 6 weeks. Deca needs to be run atleast 12 weeks for max benefit due to it's long ester. I wouldn't even bother starting it until you get atleast one more bottle of cyp or enanthate.
i was going to do
40mg dbol every day for the first 4 weeks
500MG of sustanon every week for 12 weeks
450MG of deca every week for 11 weeks
and my post cycle therapy (pct) would include novl,clomid and or arimidex

i am 200 pounds
body fat around 11%
and i work out 4 times a week

thats what i was going to do if he didnt fuck up my order
i was going to do
40mg dbol every day for the first 4 weeks
500MG of sustanon every week for 12 weeks
450MG of deca every week for 11 weeks
and my post cycle therapy (pct) would include novl,clomid and or arimidex

i am 200 pounds
body fat around 11%
and i work out 4 times a week

thats what i was going to do if he didnt fuck up my order

the arimidex you should be prepared to use during cycle and since your were going to run deca you would need prami on hand as well...the test I would run for 14 weeks at 600mg and the deca for 12 weeks at 400mg...that extra 50 wont get you anything extra really...but that is a minimum cycle for deca...
Again, you need to get more LE test before even considering running it. Why not order some instead of dealing with dumb shit?
SO is this a first cycle? you should stick to 1 test and run it the whole cycle. Drop the deca. What Aromatase inhibitor (AI) are you running and what's your PCT
i did order other shit but i was givin this shity stuff yesterday so just wanted to know if it was possible thats all.
and i have been lookin up deca and arimidex and they all say i will be safe with a .5mg dose and i wont need prami????
Well that's not true. Adex is for estro control. Deca does not aromatise estro, Deca produces sides thru prolactin. And yes if this a first cycle you need to hold out on the deca. And again do you have a post cycle therapy (pct)? Without it, the whole cycle will be a complete waste because you will not keep any of it.
no this is my 3rd. my first was just test 400mg for 10 weeks
next was same test and 350 mg of deca
and now this and all had pct.
You could run the cyp 2x a week until gone then start the prop for the rest of the time. That will give you 10 or 11 weeks. I run test 2 weeks longer than deca. If not wait 3 weeks to start post cycle therapy (pct) but I won't use deca less than 12 to 16 weeks.

Sucks you are in this situation man. I keep enough around for a few cycles so this never happens. Find a reliable place and order things when you can and don't need them so you always have what's needed.
haha i know eh! and now i have to get other stuff other then arimidex.... FUCK lol i might say fuck it and go with something else other then deca and get new test while im at it lol. what would be good to go with test??? i was thinking tren e???
Yeah if you have already ran cycles tren e is going to be somewhat similar to deca but you can run it for a shorter time. If you run tren or deca I would get either prami or caber in case of prolactin sides. Prolactin can cause gyno and a limp noodle. Get some aromisin for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I prefer toremifene for post cycle therapy (pct) but clomid is fine.
Well that's not true. Adex is for estro control. Deca does not aromatise estro, Deca produces sides thru prolactin. And yes if this a first cycle you need to hold out on the deca. And again do you have a post cycle therapy (pct)? Without it, the whole cycle will be a complete waste because you will not keep any of it.

and dont forget diet!!!!
haha i know eh! and now i have to get other stuff other then arimidex.... FUCK lol i might say fuck it and go with something else other then deca and get new test while im at it lol. what would be good to go with test??? i was thinking tren e???

haha this game aint cheap bro! lol dont skimp on the ancillaries...very important!