Prana said:Ok the diet is finally coming together. Thanks for all the help. Just found out today, alltraps will be dieting with me.. good because I need the encouragement. Planning on starting the diet and thermarexin once diet is in check.
Now... for the cardio haha, wish me luck!
Fyre said:oh..hehehe... alltraps is dieting with you? oh that should be people dieting together! No just kidding. good luck and do keep us posted on your progress.
Prana said:Ok started teh diet only 2 days ago. I bought the casein protein. It tastes pretty bad but no biggie. I have taken out milk completely and I don't feel as bloated.
Fyre, I bought the natty pb at A&P. There were 3 dif. kinds and I bought the Kraft kind, is that what you suggest. All 3 were almost equal in values. Where would I stick this in my daily plan? If I am to eat 35 g's fat per day, does the flax count as 24 for 2 tbsp? The pb itself is 7.5g's fat per tbsp, plus 5 gs for one chicken... that is 36 already not counting the 2.5 in the shakes I eat.!!.
I'm probably making this way too complicated but still - haha, it upsets me!
So exactly how many fats should I have? thanks
Muay Thai Guy said:Well i personally think you should be aiming for around 1800 - 2000 calories
If you do go for 1800 calories, it depends on ur macronutrient ratios
I would suggest at least 20 or 25 % Fat Minimum
that would work out at 40 - 50g of Fat as a minimum
2 tbsps of Flax have 30g of fat in them
so you can afford roughly 20g of fat more in ur diet
Prana said:Excellent - my diet is already about 45 g's.
You two are the greatest, thanks for the help
FunnyMonkey said:prana: If you really dont like carbs you might ought to check out the Natural Hormonal Enhancment diet. I have been on for 8 days and can already feel a difference and see too. It is basically low carb with macro nutrient cycling. I carb up every 3 and 4th day.