Thymosin Beta-4(TB-500) research log brought to you by Vibrant:)

Have you noticed other effects of tb500 other than the increased healing? Like strength gains or endurance?
Have you noticed other effects of tb500 other than the increased healing? Like strength gains or endurance?

I used 4mg for better recovery from an injury and it worked quite well. wish I used at least 8mg. had no negative sides from it. maybe the reason I didn't see the other effects from it is because: 1. I was specifically using it for an injury and that was what I was focusing on. 2. I didn't use a high enough dose, 3. I was on other things at the time so maybe it was hard to notice.

this is all just theories on my part. only thing I can say for sure is it definitely helped with my injuries and I would use it again.
Just curious, ive had on and off again issues with my right shoulder i think im going to give tb500 a try in sept. Played softball at 16 and my shoulder has never been the same
Damn thats alot of TB-500. 4mg a week? Do you think this will shut down your own natural TB-500 production??
Damn thats alot of TB-500. 4mg a week? Do you think this will shut down your own natural TB-500 production??

I will start researching tb-500 tomorrow. The potential of this peptide has me very excited. As an athlete I constantly have injuries and my body goes thru a lot of stress daily, so the healing properties of this peptide are of big interest to me. If it is all it claims to be, I believe it can become one of the most popular peptides for bodybuilder's and athletes, and it also has great potential for the medical community. I posted a few articles in the sticky above but I will post them again in this thread.

I will be dosing as follows:

first 4-5 weeks is a loading phase @ 4mg per week split into 2 injections.(I haven't decided if Im doing a 4 or 5 week loading phase, will see how the results go)

after the loading phase, dose will be @ 4mg per month split into 2 injections.

My current nagging injury is some tendonitis that goes from my forearm to elbow. it doesn't hurt too much now but after a few days of hard training it starts to bother me.

Damn thats alot of TB-500. 4mg a week? Do you think this will shut down your own natural TB-500 production?? How much do you weigh?? I am 160. good dose for me???
well, im sold... thanks for the thread. im very interested in tb-500 since im so prone to knee injuries. im gonna run it with igf1-lr3 or des within the next 6 months. glad to hear of your good results bro
well, im sold... thanks for the thread. im very interested in tb-500 since im so prone to knee injuries. im gonna run it with igf1-lr3 or des within the next 6 months. glad to hear of your good results bro

yeah, stacking tb500 with igf1 should give some very nice healing. you can also add a ghrp/cjc w/o dac combo and that imo is the best healing peptide cycle that you can do.
yeah, stacking tb500 with igf1 should give some very nice healing. you can also add a ghrp/cjc w/o dac combo and that imo is the best healing peptide cycle that you can do.

expensive though. which do you feel your TB-500 the most intromuscular or sub Q. I've been hittin it sub Q through the stomach. 3 times a week. I wonder if you could put TB-500 through da vains.
Hi, I'm new here but just read your log thanks for all the information but was just wondering if you or anyone had any info regarding the life of tb500 (how long it stays in your system) as I'm drug tested for work and have to be clean of anything..also could this be taken subQ into the lower back as that is my problem area (inflammation) thanks in advance!