thyroid test and results


New member
I just went to the doctor to have a blood test done. I was having a problem w/thinning hair, constantly tired, memory loss & if I weren't working out all the time, easy weight gain....etc. He found that I have an underactive thyroid. I'm 24, 5'3", weigh about 115 & have 11% b.f.
My question is, does anyone have any experience w/taking synthroid & an ECA? I would like to get down a little more body fat & need a little help...I don't want to take the ECA if it's gonna give me a heart attack or something along w/the synthroid. If anyone has any suggestions?

Hey angel,
If your doctor has already found an underactive thyroid, then my honesty suggestion is to go under a doctor's supervision and treatment.. This means yes the synthetic T3 or T4 whichever he prescribes for your particular condition..

ECA is no longer available over the counter as it is illegal now due to FDA regulations.. however it WILL have an effect on blood pressure, and your central nervous system rather than your thyroid.. There should not be an interaction there.. but too much can cause heart problems..

a common stack for losing bodyfat while on T3 therapy is clenbuterol due to its anti-catabolic properties.. meaning that you will lose the weight while maintaining muscle..

hope that helps a bit
My ex-wife had the same problem. You should really do what the doc says. My ex did not and now has all kinds of problems including massive weight gain. She has finally started taking her meds.
Angel said:
I just went to the doctor to have a blood test done. I was having a problem w/thinning hair, constantly tired, memory loss & if I weren't working out all the time, easy weight gain....etc. He found that I have an underactive thyroid. I'm 24, 5'3", weigh about 115 & have 11% b.f.
My question is, does anyone have any experience w/taking synthroid & an ECA? I would like to get down a little more body fat & need a little help...I don't want to take the ECA if it's gonna give me a heart attack or something along w/the synthroid. If anyone has any suggestions?


I also have an underactive Thyroid, and currently am taking Synthroid along with clen. I have the exact symtoms you did, tired, gaining wieght.

But just a question, if you are at 11% BF how much could you possible want to loose? That is pretty much ideal already. Are you sure that is what it is at, you had it measured or is it just an estimation?

;) Lil' SS
Hi Angel,
Replacing thyroid in a hypothyroid person essentially gets them back to "baseline": in other words, where a normal, euthyroid person would be, metabolically speaking.
Your risk with ephedrine or any other beta adrenergic agonists should be no more than anyone else.
11% BF? Pretty low for a woman. How far down do you want to go?

Angel said:
I just went to the doctor to have a blood test done. I was having a problem w/thinning hair, constantly tired, memory loss & if I weren't working out all the time, easy weight gain....etc. He found that I have an underactive thyroid. I'm 24, 5'3", weigh about 115 & have 11% b.f.
My question is, does anyone have any experience w/taking synthroid & an ECA? I would like to get down a little more body fat & need a little help...I don't want to take the ECA if it's gonna give me a heart attack or something along w/the synthroid. If anyone has any suggestions?

Thanks to all of you for the answers, it's much appreciated. My B.F. ranges between 11 to 12.5%. There's a trainer at my gym that measures it for me every few weeks. I don't want to loose to much more, I'm just having a little issue w/my abs popping out & the bottom of my butt. Other than that, I'm pretty happy. I've worked hard to get where I'm at & would like to just be happy w/every part of my body.
I do tons of crunches (lots of different forms) & work my legs & butt about every other day. Any suggestions?
Thanks for all the help,
thyroids can go out of whack from low body fat levels if you aren't refeeding correctly.

that said, i'm not sure why you want to keep your bf so low - generally between 12-14% is pretty tight looking and easier to maintain.
May I ask you what your current diet looks like?
Because I have the same thyroid problem I know how hard it is to loose weight, any new ideas are helpful, Thanks girly!!!
Lil' Shortstack,
Well, I'm not much of a breakfast eater so all I have is a slimfast shake & maybe a nutragrain bar..mid-morning snack power bar or protein shake, lunch usually is steamed brocolli & an orange or something...& I'm kinda bad when it comes to dinner, I pretty much eat what I want.
But I have a desk job & that's why I don't try to take in a lot during the day. At night though I go to the gym so I'm not so concerned w/it.
All I can say is a lot of veggies!!!
Other than that I don't think I'm much help...Sorry.
Hey Angel,
I can tell you right now that your stubborn loss of weight is 100% due to your diet!!!
You may have a sluggish thyroid, but honey, you are NOT eating nearly enough to lose bodyfat!! Not enough protein, not enough complex carbs, hell there is not even enough fat!!

time to set out a new diet for yourself i you want to continue losing bodyfat and gaining muscle!!

luv super
I know, my diet really does b.f. has been telling me that for a year now. It's honestly hard for me to consume that much food, I don't have the appetite for it. While I was doing a cycle though I ate pretty well but for some reason it just seemed easier, maybe 'cuz I was using more energy? I would be interested in any advice as far as diet goes if you could spare some time.
Angel said:
I know, my diet really does b.f. has been telling me that for a year now. It's honestly hard for me to consume that much food, I don't have the appetite for it. While I was doing a cycle though I ate pretty well but for some reason it just seemed easier, maybe 'cuz I was using more energy? I would be interested in any advice as far as diet goes if you could spare some time.

I know it is hard to get all the food in.. believe me i know!! IT came to a point where i was not even enjoying food anymore.. basically just eating to live... but if it were easy, everyone would be lean!!

I will absolutely help with advice on your diet.. Get it together and i will see if there is anything you need to add or delete.. ok :)

good luck!!