Timing of meals with ghrp2 and cjc?

kev ute

New member
So i'm just starting, started 4 days ago a ghrp2 and cjc1295 w/o dac. Got enough for about 12 weeks right now. Also I'm starting igf1 des for about 6 weeks.

Previously i used igf1 lr3 for 8 weeks and liked my results. Good overall strength and body composition. BF is down, but would like to drop a little more.

I know with the des to IM muscle group pre workout and drink a good shake. I'm curious to see what kinda different results i get from this as opposed to the lr3.

Anyways my real question about the rp2 and cjc with meal timing. I know that on an empty stomach is best. and thats really easy for first thing in the morning and before i go to bed. And that when i do dose to wait at least 1/2 hour to eat.

What about my postworkout shot. Right before i enter gym i shoot des and have a shake. Then workout for about 1 hour. Is that 1 hour long enough to wait to take my rp2 and cjc shot? The last thing i had was only a shake which goes through me pretty quick and i'm hungry at the end of my workout which makes me think my stomach is empty enough.

Also what i like to do is finish the workout, take rp2 and cjc shot, then get on treadmill for 30 min uphill low intensity(heart rate under 135) walk, then go and have postworkout shake, then drive home and have real food. What do you think about this?

I'm doing the walking cuz i wanna drop more bodyfat but try to keep as much muscle as possible. So far i've done pretty good while on the lr3. Down about 2% bf and strength staying the same. To me that is successful.

Any comments, experiences, critisisms welcome!!! Let me know what you guys do for your timing.
I think you have a good plan that's been thought out. Good job. I actually eat with my ghrp/ghrh meals but my concern is not fat loss, I'm foley looking for an increase in gh at specific times.

I know people say carbs blunt the release but I honestly don't worry about that at all. I'm using a peptide combination proven to spike gh output and it's going to happen, with or without carbs.

But for your goals I think you are doing it correct. Most shakes are taken up in about an hour. Add to that heavy training and igf DES and it will go quick. Igf has some insulin like properties in shuttling nutrients into muscle, so DES should help you get those important nutrients at the most important times. Then dose your gh peps, get the benefit of that while on your cardio. Then replace the nutrients and glycogen with another shake then your meal 1-2 hours after.

I bulk my shakes up by adding bcaa's, glutamine, sometimes creatine, sometime blended oats and whatever else you want.
I know people say carbs blunt the release but I honestly don't worry about that at all. I'm using a peptide combination proven to spike gh output and it's going to happen, with or without carbs.

I bulk my shakes up by adding bcaa's, glutamine, sometimes creatine, sometime blended oats and whatever else you want.

Thanks for the input user! Nice to hear that my thought process is correct.

Never thought of it that way, that the combo is gonna spike gh with or without carbs. I'm still gonna stick to trying to keep the carbs down before injections though.

One question though, not sure if you have any experience with this but i'm having great difficulty with back injections. What do you do? Very hard to reach!!!
There is no way I could do that. I get my woman to pin the back of my traps sometimes but I don't pin any where on my back.