Tiromel t3 for cutting 21 yo male


New member
Im just wondering about anyones experience with tiromel t3 for cutting?
I'm thinking about getting some and running it 25 mcg a day..
any dangers or reasons not to take it?
It ia catabolic (burns muscle) if not used in with exogenous testosterone. So a very bad idea to take it by itself.

25mg is typically considered a replacement dose. So you would be shutting down your thyroid for nothing.

You need to do a lot more homework. Check out the Ology FAQs sticky thread in the Anabolic Forum .

What is your height, weight and body fat %?
i have run t3 at 25 a day before over 4 weeks. didn't seem to lose too much muscle while i lost a fair bit of fat.. any other info would be helpful. got my bloods done and my thyroids are within normal range.. and could someone please elaborate on ECA for me.. find way too many mixed reviews and can't get a straight answer..
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25mcg is a good addition if you've been dieting for a while and your thyroid output has dropped, otherwise - as Mega said - its a complete waste.

EC stack (skip the aspirin), clen & yohimbe are all better choices at your bf% but it depends on how lean you want to get?
I would not recommend it unless you have a drop in metabolism as Mrrippedzilla mentions...

And even if that is the case... there are percautions... as T3 is the most active thyroid in the body.

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