To AI or not to AI during PCT that is the question


New member
So I'm like 3 days in to my pct 40 of clomid 20 of nolva following that for the next 4 weeks total. Held off exactly 2weeks after last shot of 250mg test eth to start this pct and it had been 5 days since last Hcg inject of 500ius. I ran 12.5mg of aromasin Ed through entire cycle and worked great bloods confirmed after a beginning struggle. I ran the aromasin up until first day of pct. I am now currently experiencing some high estro effects head ache nausea and just off like I do when my estro was high earlier.

Question 1 ,I'm just wondering if I should throw some AI back in because maybe the test is still in my body and has not fully cleared or should I wait it out for things to reach homeostasis on their own?

Question 2 doesn't clomid inhibit negative feedback of estrogen by blocking estro receptors in pit allowing more lh to continue to be produced further increasing test what I want but also estro? Wouldn't this make since to run AI to help prevent some estro to convert obviously not affecting the estro that was created directly?

Just looking for feed back its really early in pct so many it was just a bad day along side recovering from a horrid chest cold, want to get bloods just not sure of the benefit they may provide at this point into. Thanks a lot guys, been a great resource for my personal endeavors ***9996;***127995;. Also I did this on my iPad which is not running so great w the site arm I hope this is legible.
Your negative feedback loop is still open. This means that if you run an AI with your SERMs, you may potentially kill your estradiol. You state that you're recovering from a cold, isn't it possible that you're feeling the effects of the cold instead of climbing estradiol?

I'd just let your body do it's thing with the SERMs and return to homeostasis. But that's just me.
The negative feedback loop is still open but the receptors on the pit glad are blocked from estrogen hence keeping it open and allowing excess estrogen to continue to be produced along with test from lh secretion, Correct? It could be due to cold it just feels exactly like it did when my estro wasn't properly controlled. Just concerned that maybe all e test hadn't left my system, still got great libido 2 &1/2 weeks post last shot plus 4 days pct therapy.
The negative feedback loop is still open but the receptors on the pit glad are blocked from estrogen hence keeping it open and allowing excess estrogen to continue to be produced along with test from lh secretion, Correct? It could be due to cold it just feels exactly like it did when my estro wasn't properly controlled. Just concerned that maybe all e test hadn't left my system, still got great libido 2 &1/2 weeks post last shot plus 4 days pct therapy.

It is slightly counterintuitive, but an open loop means your pituitary cannot release LH. You need it to close, which won't happen until the test is completely out of your system. All the SERMs do is prevent the hypothalamus from seeing all your estradiol, which will force more gnrh - > LH - > testosterone - > estradiol.

Now there are exceptions, such as those very sensitive to estradiol - as your estradiol will have a slight rebound once the AI is ceased, and the testosterone is still slightly active. A great deal of water retention, acne, and depression are somewhat common with these folks. In that case, a small dose of AI may be warranted, but in all honesty - you should return to normalcy soon enough.