To aspirate or not to aspirate? The final word


New member
For the record...I gave it up like a bad habit. For me the arguments against outweigh those in favour. As far as I'm concerned, The tip of that needle is as likely to end up in a blood vessel after you aspirate as it was before you did it. I mean, how still do you think you can keep the needle.
I know that the CDC and a bunch of other folks no longer recommend aspirating...and that's to staff who give more shots than anyone here does. there anyone on the pro-aspirating side (let's call them "suckers") who can provide an argument for it that us non-suckers haven't heard yet? As far as I can tell, the matter should have been put to bed ages ago: It's pointless.
But if anyone has anything new to offer...?

Oh, and I mean strictly for IM injection.

Your powers are weak old man! Let this be our final battle!
I'm confused as to why you say its a bad habit or how these other places no longer recommend it....its like you make it sound like it does harm. What harm does it exactly do except delay the shot by 5 seconds?(Your time must be very important if you can't give up 5 seconds)

But all I have to say is CLEARLY you have never had gear injected directly into your vein. Neither have I, but that is because I have aspirated since day 1. All the old juice heads at my gym have got gear into their veins at least once in their lives, and from the stories they tell me it is defiantly an experience I would never want to go through.

I will say one thing: I administer the shots for my 2 friends because they are too big of pussies to do it themselves, so I pin them. So far I have done this for 3 twelve week cycles, so I have now been doing this for my friends for a year and a half. During that time I drew blood twice from my first friend, and once from my second friend and I always pin them in the glutes where they say you have the least amount of blood vessels in the body.

So call me a "sucker" but I would rather not even try to risk it. Gear in vein is no joke. You will eventually find out.
I have a friend who does a lot of injects and never aspirated. He says if you know what you're doing it is unnecessary. It would be pretty difficult to inject your gear into your vein, but I always aspirate for myself and friends I am pinning for peace of mind(also I barely move when pinning people so I'm assuming where I plunge is exactly where the gear is going). Never drawn blood but I guess it has happened.