to everyone who said the military doesnt test for steroids


New member
I found this DOD instruction in numerous places online. Not every sample is tested but enough are to make it not worth it for me.


5.1. Anabolic Steroids. The following procedures are established for:

5.1.1. Testing. The Services are to test for anabolic steroids by urinalysis, as follows: In certain target populations on a command-directed basis, as required. In cases where probable cause exists. By a random sampling of urine specimens. Each Service is required to test at least 1000 random specimens for anabolic steroids every 2 years. Anabolic steroid specimens shall be collected using the same procedures for collection and chain of custody, as described in enclosure 1, and be subject to the same restrictions on use of results, as described in DoD Directive 1010.1 (reference (a)). Testing shall be performed at an anabolic steroid testing laboratory that has current certification from a national or international certifying organization. The certifying organization must maintain an inspection process, initial proficiency testing, and an ongoing blind proficiency testing program with a minimum of two cycles each year. Results of proficiency testing must be made available to the Government. Arrangements shall be made by the Services for contract laboratory services or the development of anabolic steroid testing capability in the military drug testing laboratories.
That reads like some professional sports drug policys. 1000 specimans every two years. ok, so there is 1.4 million service members in the Armed Forces. You have less than .001% of being tested in the military.
The big thing is command directed. That means some guy who weights 165lbs, doesn't left weights, can't pass his PT test. He decides to take the easy way out and takes a cycle of Test E, with Dbol, and blows up to 200lbs, with Acne on his back, holding water like the pacific ocean and this month he some how max's his PT test, that he couldn't pass before. The commander has probable cause, and can piss him.
19 years of service, I have never seen, heard of anyone being tested for AAS. I've talked to unit drug counselors, the civilians at the testing facility, and they have never done one.
Having said that, someone send me some Test, so i can do my first
Any one who has served, knows that the military has a answer for every thing.In other words they got there ass covered just in case they have a reason to test for steroid usage.From my exp they seldom test for steroids.
Trapper said:
Any one who has served, knows that the military has a answer for every thing.In other words they got there ass covered just in case they have a reason to test for steroid usage.From my exp they seldom test for steroids.

Thats how that DOD memo reads, just like all the professional sports drug policies. "We have our ass covered in case anyone ask's if we have a drug policy."
I'd risk it. Whats the worst that could happen? Get kicked out of the military to work at Pizza Hut making the same pay and not have to risk your life dodging bullets?
Niclipse said:
I'd risk it. Whats the worst that could happen? Get kicked out of the military to work at Pizza Hut making the same pay and not have to risk your life dodging bullets?

damn skippy!! i'll take dodging pepperoni slices over bullets. Thank God i'm retiring next year.
Hooah, I got a good story for yah' troops. background, did four years active and ets'ed last june, and joined the reserves for the try one year deal. toward the end of my year in the reserves, I did a test e cycle/ dbol cycle and went from 180 to 220 (mostly water), freaked out everybody. The last two drills the whole unit was drug tested because they all though they were gona pop me. The CO didn't know the regular drug test doesn't cover steroids, lol. And no, I didn't max my pt test but was able to do 80 situps and 80 pushups in under a minute. My run went from a lazy 16 min to a ultra painful 22 min, lol. My run time is comming back down though after I started to do direct calf work. Congrats on the retirement shaved head! SQUAD, ATTENTION, HALF RIGHT....FACE, THE FOUR COUNT PUSHUP, BEGIN.
less than a .001% chance of being tested. You have better odds of being shot in a random convienence store robbery. If i could find some Test, I would do a cycle while I was in Iraq, but it seems the only thing that can be found are a lot of Dbol and methyltest orals, and i'm not messing with orals for a first cycle. I'm counting my days until I get home to do my first cycle!!
When my team commander comes to me for advice and gear as well as his injections - a command directed test is the last thing I'm worried about.
coloradosteve said:
Hooah, I got a good story for yah' troops. background, did four years active and ets'ed last june, and joined the reserves for the try one year deal. toward the end of my year in the reserves, I did a test e cycle/ dbol cycle and went from 180 to 220 (mostly water), freaked out everybody. The last two drills the whole unit was drug tested because they all though they were gona pop me. The CO didn't know the regular drug test doesn't cover steroids, lol. And no, I didn't max my pt test but was able to do 80 situps and 80 pushups in under a minute. My run went from a lazy 16 min to a ultra painful 22 min, lol. My run time is comming back down though after I started to do direct calf work. Congrats on the retirement shaved head! SQUAD, ATTENTION, HALF RIGHT....FACE, THE FOUR COUNT PUSHUP, BEGIN.

You definitely belong in the military.
I agree that its unlikely but the reason I posted was just for more info. People who don;t really know the answer respond to a lot of these questions and I jsut wanted it to be known that it could be an issue. Better to have all the info and then make the decision. Anyway I have also never heard of anyone being tested but with the way things are going for steroids in the media, who knows when they will just come down and say everyone will be tested immediately. Besides you will not be kicked out you will be court marshalled and get to do some hard labor in fort levinworth (sp?). You';d think they would rather you be in shape and work hard than be a fat ass like half of the military guys running around but they aren't outlawing double cheeseburgers. Gov't logic cracks me up.
well think of it this way if you grow like 20 lbs and everyone notices than you have more of a chance of getting tested. Try to conceal your gains and also of you get caught you can get dishonorably discharged which really sucks, cause it messes up jobs for your future.
02gixxersix said:
I agree that its unlikely but the reason I posted was just for more info. People who don;t really know the answer respond to a lot of these questions and I jsut wanted it to be known that it could be an issue. Better to have all the info and then make the decision. Anyway I have also never heard of anyone being tested but with the way things are going for steroids in the media, who knows when they will just come down and say everyone will be tested immediately. Besides you will not be kicked out you will be court marshalled and get to do some hard labor in fort levinworth (sp?). You';d think they would rather you be in shape and work hard than be a fat ass like half of the military guys running around but they aren't outlawing double cheeseburgers. Gov't logic cracks me up.

Good info, but I think the wars we have going on right now has put a lot of issues to the back burner. Now with the attack in London, I think we will see more support for the wars in Iraq and Afganastan.
Also, it's not so easy to get kicked out of the Army. If you get caught, and you want to stay in, you'll prolly get 45 and 45 and a reduction in rank. Do some research and don't take dbol and test like I did. Maybe anavar and test or anavar and a combo of eq and test. The water/fat gain is hell when running concerning test and dbol.
I'd say that the moral of the story (with everyone's comments being taken into account) is be careful and smart about using and you'll be fine. A little thought and common sense goes a long way.
Really if they put steroids in the MREs' for weight gain then it doesnt matter, and they dont check too many people unless its for roid rage.