to juice or not to juice that is the question.

I do remember seeing that the total test was in ng/dl if that helps

Again that number looked in the normal range. But we can sort of use it as a refference for example purposes only. It is truely the Free number that counts more as far as body building.

But if you were to say run testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of 200mg per week wich is a high testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose mind you yout total test # would be around 1200/1300 range.

Now if you were to cycle say 400mg a week you could resonably expect to douple that # 400mg would be a min dose for a fist cycle 600 being high end IMO

But this will give you an idea of the differences
you could try I supose. I would say 400 min you should have nice gain off that. Aslo do 12 weeks min in my opinion
make sure you learn your post cycle therapy (pct) and have what ever you choise on hand prior to starting a cycle
Oh btw he did tell me to cut back to eod on femara could that be because its going higher than he intended?

Bud to be honest I can't comment on that part cause I'm baffeled by the whole thing.

If anyone on this site could help you on that issue I would suggest Chip from Maximus or The Det Oak

This is there field of expertise
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I was thinking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for my post cycle therapy (pct) with nolva

I would run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) threw out the cycle 250 2x per week

Nolava should be fine but only bloods can verify this once completed