To juice or not...


New member

Love the board, read every day.

I just wanted to get some hounest opinions on whether doing steroids are worth it overall.

I have been working out for about 7 months and I feel great, and I am starting to look good. I want to get turn yer head swole and I feel I can't do that without some juice.

I am thinking of doing a cycle every six months.

Has anyone experienced big time depression in the gym after a cycle? The whole can't lift as much as I used too thing?

Is it worth it? I find going to the gym to be a really positive thing in my life and I don’t want that to change…

What are your stats?

If you have only been working out for 7 months, I think you could use some more time in the gym natural.

I wouldn't use steroids until you hit your natural peak. Use this time go gain as much as possible naturally. EAT, EAT, EAT, Train hard, and get lots of rest.
To juice or not to juice. i think you have to answer that question for yourself. I have never felt depression after a cycle.
Oh yea welcome to the board
Welcome to the board bro !!:wavey:

If I was you I would definitely wait, 7 months training is nothing at all, before doing a cycle I would train for atleast another year, you can & will make lots of gains naturally.

But wait......., don't go anywhere........, stay and hang out here, there is so much to learn here about training & diet, this board is not only about steroids. Plus the fact you can start learning about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) too, cause believe me there is lots to learn about that subject. This way, sometime in the future you will be better able to make an educated decision on doing a cycle, the proper and safe way to go about it.
WELCOME BP!!!!!!! Like SC said ,stick around this is a great board to learn alot and meet a bunch of good bros!!! If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask!
That is a super tough question bro??? I know where you are coming from because you reach your limit on squat and bench and you see all the GearHeads training for two hours straight. Then they are benching 400lbs. I went through it but stayed natural several years and kept training. You will hit the ceiling at least i did. At that point it will be your decision and yours alone. You should not let anyone influence you to juice or not to juice it is on you.
The post cycle depression is worth it considering the "Feeling like god", feeling you get on cycle. If you follow proper recovery methods you can keep your gains and prevent the depression thing.
StoneColdNTO said:
Welcome to the board bro !!:wavey:

If I was you I would definitely wait, 7 months training is nothing at all, before doing a cycle I would train for atleast another year, you can & will make lots of gains naturally.

But wait......., don't go anywhere........, stay and hang out here, there is so much to learn here about training & diet, this board is not only about steroids. Plus the fact you can start learning about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) too, cause believe me there is lots to learn about that subject. This way, sometime in the future you will be better able to make an educated decision on doing a cycle, the proper and safe way to go about it.

VERY well said SC.:biggthump
I think StoneCold said it best. Wait a while keep training and read the board. I trained for 6 years natural before I did my first cycle for me it was worth it. I can't answer that question for you but if you have any doubts about it don't do it until your positive it's the right thing to do.

Oh and Welcome to Steroidology bro.

Thanks all. Some great info, maybe I will wait awhile before starting a cycle. So so hard to wait!!

Thanks for making me feel welcome.

BF?? (looking for calipers)
Welcome to the board bro. I lifted since high school and didn't do my first cycle until I was 26. I felt my gains were pretty good for at least the first few years, especially in strength. Proper lifting technique and a good diet counts for a lot of gains in the beginning and throughout. Give it some time. Just my .02