Too late for PCT?


New member
So long story short, I finished my last cycle prior to me moving (2nd week of dec) planning on all my stuff reaching my new place just in time for post cycle therapy (pct). Flash forward 3 months and I just got my boxes so just got my pct gear. Is it too late to run post cycle therapy (pct)? My libido and emotions are all fucked and my back/shoulders look like a mountain range so I know I need something. I was told to run Nolva 40/40/20/20 and hcg 500iu 1x week. Can I still run this or do I have to ride out the aftermath? My cycle was:

8 weeks
375mg test eth 1x week
40mg var ed

Don't have access to insurance at the moment so can't see a doc. Was looking into HRT center to get lab work done but don't know where to start looking (im in SoCal).
Just like I tell everyone else. Never start untill you have everything. Pretty easy concept. Your prob having estro problems now.
Also you see the sites sponsers? I don't know what country you live in but you can get research chemicals in a few days to your door step. Just so you know. But if you do run another cycle don't start pinning untill you have everything. It's stupid.
Just like I tell everyone else. Never start untill you have everything. Pretty easy concept. Your prob having estro problems now.

I did have all my stuff, I got transferred mid cycle and shipped my post cycle therapy (pct) stuff instead of drove across country with it. Some boxes took a detour enroute and I just got my stuff. Forgot about ordering stuff from here but now I have everything and is it too late to run and how should I do it this far out?
Also you see the sites sponsers? I don't know what country you live in but you can get research chemicals in a few days to your door step. Just so you know. But if you do run another cycle don't start pinning untill you have everything. It's stupid.

Got some from them..thanks!