too late?


New member
Hi guys! I was on test e 300 ( 600/week) for 12 weeks. I was suposed to take nolvadex for pct 2 weeks after my last injection. Long story,..... I did'nt. Now it's has been 3 weeks since my last injection, is it too late for a post cycle therapy (pct)? and the guy I buy my juice from, told me to take apl instead. What you guys think I should do?

Go ahead and start your pct, 3 weeks is still fine to start it. Seen a lot of people actually recommend waiting 3 weeks instead of 2 so you will be good. Not sure what apl is but you should use a combination of nolva and clomid for PCT.

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50