Took too much cialis! I took almost 50mg!


Rare Piranha Keeper
25mg is normally a max dosage for people if I remember correctly(normally do 15 or so). I just accidently took too much! Ive got 50mg running through my system. Its only double dosage so I'm not too worried about dieing(LOL), but has anyone taken this much before? What happened? Any sides?
I've noticed that many ppl that don't get it from the pharmacy use more than 20mg.

I don't know if the name brand stuff is actually dosed differently, or if they just didn't bother to get more than 20mg approved or what.
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I use 10mg, and its more than enough for a healthy guy. 25mg is overkill for anyone without some type of existing ED.

Big doses can lead to some nasty sides you may not be aware of. It will tend to relax the soft muscle in the lining of your digestive system, and acid reflux can/will become a problem, especially with consistant use.
DougoeFre5h said:
I use 10mg, and its more than enough for a healthy guy. 25mg is overkill for anyone without some type of existing ED.

Big doses can lead to some nasty sides you may not be aware of. It will tend to relax the soft muscle in the lining of your digestive system, and acid reflux can/will become a problem, especially with consistant use.

Good to know The stuff I have is 25 mg/ml so I just assumed that was standard, as I've seen a lot of guys taking that much.
DougoeFre5h said:
I use 10mg, and its more than enough for a healthy guy. 25mg is overkill for anyone without some type of existing ED.
Maybe this depends on what you want to do with it.

I like to be able to go again more quickly, although to be honest Cialis might not be the best choice for that situation.
DocJ said:
If I go over 20mg I feel like shit (sinus problems, headache, malaise).

I was scrolling thru and couldn't believe that nobody advised him of sinuses and headaches until i read Doc's post

I get stuffy nose and puffy eyes. A little swelling under the eyes and hard to breathe thru the nose so I counter that with Afrin
Very high doses can cause damage on the penis but im on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and my doc told me and showed me a paper on Cialis written by the manufacterer and it says if you dont suffer from erectile dysfunction you dont get any effect from Cialis, and that dosent supprise me i know alot of people that have used cialis or viagra and they dont get anything from it maybe thats why.
bmass said:
Very high doses can cause damage on the penis
Not true, unless the dose causes you to have a boner for more than 4 hours. THAT can cause damage to the penis.

bmass said:
..if you dont suffer from erectile dysfunction you dont get any effect from Cialis
That just isn't true.
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