Torem/Clomid Dosage for mild PH


New member
So I havent decided as to which one I'm using yet, but it will be for a Helladrol cycle. I'm running Helldrol 75/75/75/75/75/75 maybe bump it up to 100 the last 2 weeks and Dermacrine 0/0/4/4/4/4. What dosage do you recommend for Torem or Clomid for PCT because I dont think this cycle will shut me down that bad to where I need to run a SERM at a super high dose. But you guys are the experts so your word is gold to me.
clomid. 100/75/50/25

Im all about a quick recovery. right when you stop that 1st wk is not a time to fuk around.
clomid. 100/75/50/25

Im all about a quick recovery. right when you stop that 1st wk is not a time to fuk around.

See I know Clomid is usually that dosage and Torem is usually 90/60/60/30, but it just seems like over kill for such a mild PH. I've heard a lot of people runninf just Forma and a T booster and coming out of PCT fine. I would be running SERM, Forma, Unleashed, Lean Xtreme.