Total test at 48 ng/dc!


New member
After 16 days of last shot of primobolan and winstrol after a 1 week and a half cycle ( yeah i started to present shortness of breath chest pain, feeling like athma, lost of libido and diziness.) i stopped and still after two weeks same symptoms... And did a total t4 test and came back with 48ng/dl! I still have an erection and can eyaculate but lost libido...

Can these symptoms be related to low t? Low t anxiety?

My doc sent me to do a lot of tests to be sure and a echocardiogram.

Has anyone has a similar experience?

Should i be extremely worried about my health as i am right now?
Wow really, no response?
I am waking up with my heart wanting to come out... Like crazy anxiety and cant get back to sleep also...