Toxicity rate of D-bol vs Tbol and amount of muscle that each can build.

Another question, what about Decca?

I know you guys said that its all up to the diet to shred or build mass and roids are just either dry out water or make you gain water weight..

So is Decca considered another form of gear that just puts on a lot of water weight? Because I have NEVER heard of anyone using decca while their shredding
I cut on deca all the time. You control water retention with aromatase inhibitors and tweaks in your diet. Some compounds give physical effects that are more appealing to a body builder. Such as Masteron, as it gives a "Marberlized" look. So the finished "look" that deca would provide may not be appealing to some. But as a muscle retaining compound on a caloric deficit, it's superior to many.
lol next time I talk to some one about steroids and they say cutting steroid I am going to make sure to make this argument for the sole purpose of pissing them off. Lol it will bring me great joy :)
Let me add one thing that I dismissed. There are some compounds, such as Trenbolone and Anavar, that offer an increase in nutrient partitioning and shuttling. This would make sense for a cutting cycle. But also makes even more sense for bulking, to keep fat down. But this doesn't mean they're magic, you can still get fat on Tren and var.