Toxicity rate of D-bol vs Tbol and amount of muscle that each can build.

Mad- scientist

So basically I am looking for something to put on some extra muscle but I have had issues with toxicity from orals in the past and them giving me pains around my liver area.
So I am trying to figure out is T-bol really that less toxic than D-bol is. I know D-bol will give me better gains than t-bol will but percentage wise how much more toxic is d-bol just as a estimation or educated guess.

Also how much actual muscle would each yield. I know every one is different but for some one who has never used either one and has diet and training on track. What would be a rough estimation of muscle gained from each compound. My guess was that T-bol would be muscle gains of maybe 3-5 pounds and D-bol would give muscle gains of around 5-10 pounds. Im going to stack either compound with Npp and im already running test E at 850mgs a week. The testosterone is kicking in and Im filling out nicely I am just realizing that the amount of gains im looking for is not realistic at this point in my AAS use from one compound only. Lol I want like 20 pounds so I need a lot of AAS. T-bol sounds interesting to me and sounds like a good compound I just would like to get a educated guess from some of the members I trust around here about what type of gains to expect. And if D-bol is really that much better of a alternative. Also would taking lower dosages of D-bol like 30mgs make it less toxic and still give better muscle gains than T-bol. Any ideas are much appreciated or information about what you guys know about it. I like getting peoples advice that I trust about this type of stuff. I have done research its just way to many people are talking out there ass on a lot of forums and the information differs to greatly for me to get a good idea on some of this information. I know the type of gains im looking for sound unrealistic or crazy but combining Test NPP and t-bol or D-bol I should be able to get damn close to it or reach the goal.
Turinabol is pretty identical to dianabol in structure, but it has a 4-chloro alteration. Which makes it aromatase less. Both are just as liver toxic, but Dianabol is far harsher on the HPTA. As far as actual muscle aid, they're very comparable. So in essence, it would be pretty silly to choose dianabol over turinabol unless you enjoy temporary water retention. Turinabol is also the best steroid if you're concerned with hair loss.
Turinabol is pretty identical to dianabol in structure, but it has a 4-chloro alteration. Which makes it aromatase less. Both are just as liver toxic, but Dianabol is far harsher on the HPTA. As far as actual muscle aid, they're very comparable. So in essence, it would be pretty silly to choose dianabol over turinabol unless you enjoy temporary water retention. Turinabol is also the best steroid if you're concerned with hair loss.

lol k im running tbol now LOL fk dbol
Turinabol is pretty identical to dianabol in structure, but it has a 4-chloro alteration. Which makes it aromatase less. Both are just as liver toxic, but Dianabol is far harsher on the HPTA. As far as actual muscle aid, they're very comparable. So in essence, it would be pretty silly to choose dianabol over turinabol unless you enjoy temporary water retention. Turinabol is also the best steroid if you're concerned with hair loss.

So why exactly is Dianabols anabolic/androgenic rating much higher than Turinabols anabolic/androgenic rating?
Thank you Austinite...... What would the usual size gains one would expect from something like 50mgs a day of T-bol? would like 4 to 5 pounds be a good estimate? And do you consider 50mgs a good dosage to take is it to high or low? I weigh 215 pounds. I have researched it and it seems like 50mgs is around the normal dosage. I just honestly value your opinion and the other members here. That is why I ask you guys. Not because I lack the initiative to study. I just have read all your guys posts for the last 6 months here and have developed a good amount of trust for certain members here. I mean I wouldn't blindly follow anyone's advice but I still like to know what opinions are from the knowledgeable members here.
So why exactly is Dianabols anabolic/androgenic rating much higher than Turinabols anabolic/androgenic rating?

huh? It's a different compound. Anabolic rating is almost identical, androgenic is pretty much null with turinabol. 40mg dianabol would equate to (in strength/results) to 60mg of oral turinabol. Turnibol is altered, so it's not the same. I was referring to the structure as being merely identical.
huh? It's a different compound. Anabolic rating is almost identical, androgenic is pretty much null with turinabol. 40mg dianabol would equate to (in strength/results) to 60mg of oral turinabol. Turnibol is altered, so it's not the same. I was referring to the structure as being merely identical.

No no, i know they are different steroids. I was talking about Dbols anabolic rating is around 100 (from what i see on websites.) where as Tbols is around 40-50 (websites again.). And you said they are comparable, are they really that close and are they actaully that comparable?

I have used Dbol, but have yet to try Tbol to compare for myself..:spin:
Tbol is close to 100, androgen is near 0. mg for mg dianabol is more potent, but if you run about 30% higher mg dose of turnibol, it will level out potency and far, far less side effects.
Turinabol is pretty identical to dianabol in structure, but it has a 4-chloro alteration. Which makes it aromatase less. Both are just as liver toxic, but Dianabol is far harsher on the HPTA. As far as actual muscle aid, they're very comparable. So in essence, it would be pretty silly to choose dianabol over turinabol unless you enjoy temporary water retention. Turinabol is also the best steroid if you're concerned with hair loss.

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement from personal experience, I ran Tbol for the first time this cycle and will never run dbol again.
Dbol at 40 mgs would give me pains in the liver and gut rot, I ran tbol and experienced none of this at 60mgs/day. Tbol is not as noticeable in regards to the mass you are gaining but that because your not holding all that dang water like you do with dbol. No bloat in the face and no squishy skin....Tbol is a win for me
Tbol is close to 100, androgen is near 0. mg for mg dianabol is more potent, but if you run about 30% higher mg dose of turnibol, it will level out potency and far, far less side effects.

Oh, ok i Gotchya.

I am excited to try this out hopefully in this next couples of weeks. :D
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement from personal experience, I ran Tbol for the first time this cycle and will never run dbol again.
Dbol at 40 mgs would give me pains in the liver and gut rot, I ran tbol and experienced none of this at 60mgs/day. Tbol is not as noticeable in regards to the mass you are gaining but that because your not holding all that dang water like you do with dbol. No bloat in the face and no squishy skin....Tbol is a win for me

Sounds like a very accurate review. Well said.

Oh, ok i Gotchya.

I am excited to try this out hopefully in this next couples of weeks. :D

Go for it! Keep in mind, Tbol still gives some crazy pumps.
So you guys are telling me you dont like having a purple face and nose bleeds from tying your shoes on dbol? Haha
I was just about to ask about this but now I can ask here, so from what I read, T-bol is just as good as D-bol?????

For some reason I assumed before that T-bol is to shred and D-bol is to get is it possible to get the same amount of results or better in a bulking cycle with T-bol rather than D-bol?
This entire shred and mass categorizing is never valid. All supposed "mass producing" compounds are compounds that cause water retention, and supposed "Shredding" compounds are ones that do not aromatase and/or deplete water. It has nothing to do with actual muscle tissue. So if we're talking about mass water retention, then sure. But if we're talking about muscle... I don't think so.

We really need to stop referring to compounds as builders and shredders.

So yes, we can get the same results from Tbol as Dbol.
I was just about to ask about this but now I can ask here, so from what I read, T-bol is just as good as D-bol?????

For some reason I assumed before that T-bol is to shred and D-bol is to get is it possible to get the same amount of results or better in a bulking cycle with T-bol rather than D-bol?

No steroid is a shredding or bulking steroid. That is a function of diet. Some do drive water out of muscle which can be useful pre-contest and others aromatize heavily which can be useful for bulking but again, whether you bulk or cut is dependent on diet. They're very similar chemical structures, just slightly different so that tbol doesn't aromatize as heavily as Austin mentioned already.
This entire shred and mass categorizing is never valid. All supposed "mass producing" compounds are compounds that cause water retention, and supposed "Shredding" compounds are ones that do not aromatase and/or deplete water. It has nothing to do with actual muscle tissue. So if we're talking about mass water retention, then sure. But if we're talking about muscle... I don't think so.

We really need to stop referring to compounds as builders and shredders.

So yes, we can get the same results from Tbol as Dbol.

Nice. Thank you