training frequency


New member
Hi, I wanted to know if working each muscle group once a week is sufficient to promote growth. At the present time I am doing a 3 day split and working on mostly compound movements. I seem to be getting stronger on this program rather than what I was doing before which was a four day split working each muscle twice a week. What are other people's thoughts on this?

Its really an individual thing, but with that being said, most do best off training each bodypart once every 7 days.

If you are making better progress with your 3 way split vs your previous 4 way split, then I would most def stick with the 3 way split !!

A three day split is a good one ...especially if you are concentrating on compound movements and low rep range.
Also allows ample time for recovery.......
It should also be noted, that how frequently a person trains depends greatly on how they train.

Of course a person can train a bodypart more frequently if the volume of sets and or intensity are kept in check, vs training with higher volume and or higher intensity, of course more recovery time would be needed.

Both ways individual of each way can and do work, which way works best for each individual is only determined by each individual or course by trial and error.

I train the major muscle groups (legs, back, chest, shoulders) once every 7 days.

I usually try to hit bis, calves, and abs twice a week
Sounds like you got a good program going! It is good to change it up now and then to keep your muscles shocked. Good Luck. Keep up the work man!
Here is my routine that I love so much.

Monday- Chest, Rotator Cuff
Tuesday- Hamstrings, Calfs
Wednesday- Bis, Tris, Forearms
Thursday- Quads
Friday- Delts, traps, Calfs
Saturday- Back
Sunday- Off

I bike ride (cardio) 5 times a week since I ride to and from work (22 min each way), And I will throw in cardio at the gym 2-3 times a week. Abs I do 3-4 times a week.

Chest is the first workout of the week so that I can give more of my energy since I will be refreshed from my day off.

Hams are the next day so that I can rest my upper body.

Arms are worked out on Wednesday because I worked out my lower body the day before, and to have 3 days until my back workout, so that when my bis start going a little soft, my back workout will get them semi flexed again until my next arm work out.

Next up is the quads so that I can try to keep the upper - lower - upper - lower routine going. The quad workout is also on thursday so I have 2 days before my back workout. I HATE working out my legs the day before or after a back workout. And of course I don't like working out my hams and quads together so that I give each muscle 100%.

Delts and traps are next and spaced far apart from my chest workout on purpose so that my delts aren't tired from working out my chest.

Back is last to keep it away from my legs and arms, and because I do the most sets for back, so after my big back day i can enjoy my day off to relax my body.